Welcome to Philosophical Services' Philosophy Portal.
Philosophy Portal: Your gateway to philosophy resources on the web.


Metaphysics (2,500+)
Phil of Mind  (1200+)
Personal Identity (2000+)


Ethics (8200+)
Ethics Centers (1200)

Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy  (1100+)

Applied Philosophy

Philosophical Counseling (200)


Libraries (10,000)

Applied Ethics

Academic Integrity (3450)
Applied Ethics (2800+)
Business Ethics (2000)
Codes of Ethics (3400)
Environmental Ethic (1300)
Honor Codes (3800)
Legal Ethics (9680)
Medical Ethics (2300)


Aristotle (3400)
Kant (8800)
Thales (140)+

General Philosophy

Philosophy (10,000)
Philosophy Departments (5000+)
Philosopher's Email Addresses (4000+)
Society & Organizations (3700)
Philosophy Sylllabi (2300)

Welcome to the Philosophy Portal

Search Databases
Search multiple databases on philosophy and philosophy related web sites.

Each menu item will take you to a searchable database. The number at the end of each menu item indicates the number of records in that particular database.

More searchable databases are being added on a regular basis. Check back often.

Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive philosophy site on the web. How are we doing so far?

Recommend a Database be Created
We will create a database once 25  people recommend that it be created.

Sponsors Wanted
We need sponsors for each database. Please phone us today at (660) 429-6267 or (816) 665-3103 or send an email message to us at

Purchase a Database
You can purchase any of the databases in the Philosophy Portal (excluding the email database) at a fraction of the cost that other search engines charge. Check here for details.

Order Custom Built Databases
We can custom build the database of your choice at the lowest price on the web.

Custom Built Databases

Globalization (4000)
OD, Organizational Development (3000)
TQM, Total Quality Management  (3000)
TESOL, Teaching English as a Second Language (1800)


Epistemology (1200+)
Logic (2800+)


Aesthetics (700+)

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Enter your name and email address and press "Subscribe" for your free subscription to the Philosophy Portal's monthly update. We will keep you informed about which databases are being created.


Journals (500+)

Jobs for Philosophers



All databases in the Philosophy Portal are copyrighted by Kenneth F.T. Cust.

Built by Kenneth F.T. Cust