--=[SKULL]=-- by Daniel Au (dcau) ___ _,.---,---.,_ | ,;~' '~;, | ,; ;, Frontal | ; ; ,--- Supraorbital Foramen Bone | ,' /' | ,; /' ;, | ; ; . . <-' ; | |__ | ; ______ ______ ;<----- Coronal Suture ___ | '/~" ~" . "~ "~\' | | | ~ ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-, ~ | Maxilla, | | | }:{ | <------ Orbit Nasal and | | l / | \ ! | Zygomatic | .~ (__,.--" .^. "--.,__) ~. Bones | | ----;' / | \ `;-<--------- Infraorbital Foramen |__ \__. \/^\/ .__/ ___ V| \ / |V <--- Mastoid Process | | |T~\___!___!___/~T| | | | |`IIII_I_I_I_IIII'| | Mandible | | \,III I I I III,/ | | \ `~~~~~~~~~~' / | \ . . <-x---- Mental Foramen |__ \. ^ ./ ^~~~^~~~^ -dcau (4/15/95) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \\ // \ \ // / \\ \ // / '\\ \ .// / '>\\ \ '\\-_/ '\\> \\\ / /// << \ '/_ <<^-(,\ /// \ // \) ///\\ \\ // )) )) / ___,--------,____ __--~~~~ ~~---,_ ,-' __,--,_ `\,___,-,__ ,-' __/'/-~~~\ ` ` . ' , | `~~\ _/` _/~~ '~~ \,_\_ O / ' '~_/' `\ /' ' =-'~~ _ / ~ /' `\ _/' /~ ,--,____,-----|,_,-,_ `\ _,/' ' ,-' _ `~'------'~~~~~-- `~~~~\ | /~ ' ,-~~~ _, ,-=~~~~~~~~~~~~'| | .' ' , ' /~` |/ /' ,/' _/~' , / /` _/~ /~ / /` /' .' /' /' . /' ` /' | ' .-""""-. .-""""-. / \ / \ /_ _\ /_ _\ // \ / \\ // \ / \\ |\__\ /__/| |\__\ /__/| \ || / \ || / \ / \ / \ __ / \ __ / '.__.' '.__.' | | | | jgs | | | | ********************** IMPORTANT NOTE ************************ This is a copy of the last Ascii Art FAQ posted before Bob Allison ( Scarecrow ) retired as Moderator of the newsgroup "rec.arts.ascii" in June 1996. There is no guarantee that any of the references to Archives, FTP Sites, Websites and Files are still valid. ******************************************************************** Summary: what ASCII art is - why and what it's used for - types of ASCII art how to use FTP, Gopher, WWW - how to save, 'uudecode' and uncompress copyright info - how to make big letters and gray scale pictures how to put an animation in your .plan - info on posting ASCII art how to make sigs - how to automatically add a sig to posts and email how to make and view ASCII art - where to get art and tools - more . . ' + ` . * . * ' . + . ' . ' . ` . . ' ) . + '. ' _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ` ______ _______ _______ '. +. /______//______//_____//_____//_____/ . /_____//____ //_______ . . ` _______ _____ '___ + ___ '. ___ ______ _____/ / __ . ' ' : / ___ /.\___ \*/ / . / / * / / ' / __ // . __/. '/ / . . ' ./ /. / /_____) // /___ _/ /_ _/ /_ / / / // / \ \ '/ / ' + . /_/ '/_//______//_____//_____//_____/ './_/ /_//_/ * \_\' /_/ ' +___________________ . ___________________ ' ___________________ ' ' / / ./ /. / /' . * /__________________/' /__________________/ / _________ / . ' . : ` . + ' . * / / . ' / /. _______________ . ___________________ ' / / ` / / ' . / / '/ /. / / . + / / . * / __________/ ' . / _________ / / /'. /\/ / ( / / . / / . / / '/ /______/ / : `. / ( ' ' / / . + / /. / / . ' ___/ . ` /____/. /____/ /________________ / ` Version 4.9.2 April 9, 1996 \/ . . ' * . . ` . . ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ | | / _ \| | | | __/ __!_ _!_ _/ _ \| \| / __! | | | (_) | |_| | _|\__ \ | | | | (_) | .` \__ \ | | \__\_\\___/!___!___/ !_! !___\___/!_|\_!___/ | | O _ ___ _ _ ______ ___ ____ | | /|\/ |_ _| \| | | ____! / _ \ / __ \ __! !__, / | | || .` | | | | | | | | | | | \ / \O / \ !___!_!\_! | |__ | !_! | | | | | \ / \/| _/___\_ _ ___ ___ | __! | _ | | | | | \ / | !_ _| |_| |_ _/ __! | | | | | | | | | | \ / / \ | | | _ || |\__ \ | | | | | | | !__! | Y _/ _\ !_! !_! !_!___!___/ !_! !_! !_! \___\_\ 1 What is ASCII art? 2 Why use ASCII art instead of a GIF? 3 What is ASCII art used for? 4 What are the different kinds of ASCII art? 5 What is the best way to view ASCII art? 6 How can I learn to make ASCII art? 7 Are there any ASCII tools? 8 Where can I get ASCII tools? 9 Where can I find ASCII art? 10 How do I use FTP, Gopher, World Wide Web, and FTP Mail Servers? 11 What does the Scarecrow recommend? 12 Is it OK to copy ASCII art? 13 How do I make those big letters? 14 Where can I get Figlet? 15 How can I make Gray Scale pictures? 16 Where can I get Gray Scale converters? 17 How can I make better Gray Scale conversions? 18 What do those filename extensions mean? 19 What is 'uuencoding'? 20 How do I save, 'uudecode' and uncompress a file? 21 How do I view animations and color images? 22 How do I put an animation in my plan? 23 How do I make a sig? 24 How do I have my sig automatically added to my posts and email? 25 What should I know about posting ASCII Art? 26 Where is this FAQ available? 27 Who made this FAQ? __________________________________________________________________________ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ ______ _____ ____ O ,/ _ \ | \ | | / ___! | | | | | ____! | __ \ / ___! /\/| !_! | | \| | | (___ | | /\ | | | !__ | !__) | | (___ / | _ | | . ` | \___ \ \ \/ \/ / | __! | _ / \___ \ O , /\ | | | | | |\ | ____) | \ /\ / | !____ | | \ \ ____) ||\/ /_/_ !_! !_! !_! \_! !_____/ \/ \/ !______! !_! \_\ !_____/ |/\_ 1 What is ASCII art? Standard ASCII art is made with characters, such as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \ | - _ + % @ < ; ! = # . , : > ( ] / & $ ^ ' ` " ~ ) [ { } ? * These characters are part of the ASCII (as - kee, America Standard Code for Information Interchange) set. This part of the ASCII set, is called the 'printable set' (7 bits, characters 32 to 126). There's also non-standard ASCII art, which contain 'contral codes'. ASCII art is popular, with several ASCII art groups on the various information services. Before computers, ASCII art was made on typewriters, teletype machines (5 bit), and was created typographically. There are even tee-shirts with the :-) smiley. 2 Why use ASCII art instead of a GIF? ASCII art is used because: o Standard ASCII art is the only type of graphics easily transmitted and instantly viewable on any terminal, emulation, or communications software. o If you can view text, you can view ASCII art (as it is made up of standard text characters). No conversion or special software required to view. Non-standard ASCII art (8 bit with control codes) requires that the file be saved and "cat'd". See Questions 20 and 21. o ASCII art is compact, a few K, not 20, 50, 100 or more K! 3 What is ASCII art used for? ASCII art is used for many things, like: o EDUCATION - A periodic table or molecular model for example. o CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION - Pictures are international. o BBS & SERVER SCREENS - Login and logoff screens, MUDs, promos, etc. o ENTERTAINMENT - Like a birthday 'card', holiday greetings, invitations, congradulatory messages, children's picture stories, etc. o VISUAL AID - Such as a wiring diagram, floor plan, illustrated instructions, or flow chart, to eliminate a long involved explanation with a graphic. 4 What are the different kinds of ASCII art? The first four use the standard printable set, and can be viewed anywhere, anytime, on any equipment. They are: o Line drawing - Such as the stickmen above. This type of image is made using characters for their shapes. o Lettering - Large and styled, like the title "ASCII ART FAQ" above. o Gray Scale picture - These create the illusion of gray shades by using characters for their light emitting value (assuming you are viewing light characters on a dark background). For example: $@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/\|()1{}[]?-_+~<>i!lI;:,"^`'. Lighter <- viewing light characters on a dark background -> Darker Darker <- viewing dark characters on a light background -> Lighter o 3-D images - They can be viewed by people with similar vision in both eyes. You try to focus as if you are looking at the back of the monitor. The image should pop into focus and create a 3-D illusion. Other 3-D images are viewed by putting your nose on the monitor glass. See ASCII Art Resources for info on where to get 3-D programs. Other forms of ASCII art using the standard printable set include the following four: o Geometric Article - Text is formed into interesting, meaningful shapes. o Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem. See the swan in the examples in ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ). o Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine. o Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures. Created using ASCII art page making techniques. There are also non-standard types of ASCII art which cannot be viewed immediately upon receiving. They contain 'control codes' for color or animation. They must be 'uuencoded' to be posted or emailed. For further information, see Question 19. The three types of non-standard ASCII art are: o Animation - You see an animated image produced by a sequence of changing ASCII pictures. Animation speed depends on the system you are on, and modem speed, if used. "ANSI" (American National Standards Institute) escape sequences can be found in ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ). o Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color screen and ANSI color compatible software. Check to see if your software supports ANSI color, and how it is enabled. o Color Animation - For an example of color and animation together, take a look at the file called "Vortex" in the Scarecrow's FTP site. Examples are in ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ). But wait, there are other kinds of ASCII art: o Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds at times. The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that has already been printed on. This allows for darkening, and for placing different characters at the same place on the paper. This kind of art is obviously only printed. o Srcoll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed by scrolling down. The image plays out as the screen is redrawn with the next 'page' of the image. 5 What is the best way to view ASCII art? For best results in viewing ASCII art, try: o A 'non-proportional' font, also called a 'mono-spaced' font. This is a font that displays the same number of characters per inch, no matter what the actual width of the characters. If you are viewing with a mono-spaced font, the two lines below should appear the same length. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM If they don't look the same length, try another font. Names to look for on various systems include: Monaco, Courier, Courier New, Video Terminal, System, TTY, VT100, Screen, Terminal, FixedSys, Line Printer, etc. o A small, say, 9 point font, will help to increase the apparent resolution, and the illusion of gray scale images. o Viewing from a distance of a meter or more. o Using light characters on a dark background. Many ASCII pictures are meant to be viewed light on dark. This allows the artist more control over the light. Also, you see less glare than you would from a light background. And in some instances: o While most gray scale pics are made to be viewed light characters on a dark background, some will be made to view dark on light. This is because they are meant to be printed with dark ink on light paper. Use dark characters on a light background, or print them out. o While most ASCII pics are made to be viewed on a monitor that displays 80 characters across, some ASCII pics are wider, say, 81 to 132 characters across. They are meant to be printed. Use a small, say, 4 point type, and view dark on light, or print them out. o While mast ASCII art is either ready to view, 'cat' or print, you may find art that has been saved as a picture in a bitmap, EPS, GIF, or other binary format. These must be viewed or printed with the appropriate software. There are a few important things to remember when making, viewing, or talking about an ASCII art image. And they're obvious but almost always forgotten. o Even though different fonts may all be mono-spaced, they ARE different, and can make a picture LOOK different. Some artists may mention the font the picture was made with. o A font may be serif or sans-serif (serifs are the little feet on the characters). The ascenders and descenders may be straight or curved. And characters may be wide or narrow. o The weight, or heaviness of characters can vary. Serifs can make them look heavier. Often effected by weight inconsistencies are symbols like: # $ @ o Shapes can vary too: The more consistent shapes are: - / \ The more inconsistent shapes are: ~ ^ * & | ' [ ] < > 0 l y o Fonts from different countries may have different characters in them. Characters that may not appear in a font are: ^ ` # | { } ~ \ [ ] $ @ o Different systems display text differently. If you look at a picture on a terminal at a Unix site, and then bring it home and view it on a Mac, it will look different. On the Mac, it will be displayed shorter top to bottom. In other words, it will have a greater aspect ratio. Even though it contains the same number of lines. See ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ) for an aspect ratio chart. 6 How can I learn to make ASCII art? Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-) A good way to learn is to study how an artist has made a picture. What characters are chosen. How are the characters laid out? How is a texture made? You can also modify existing art. Take a piece of art you think could be improved. Make a copy. Now work on it. When you are good at that, try to improve a really good pic. Diddle a GIF conversion. Then see if you can fix a damaged file. Now take some small pics and put them together into a big composite image. If you're working from scratch, the following may help you: o Decide what you want. Block out the sizes ond shapes of things so you can get the proportions right. Do it now, not later, you'll save work. o Add detail. Concentrate on the focal point and important parts of your drawing. ASCII art is low definition, so you'll have to make the pic big if you want detail or real smoothness. Take a tip from master cartoonists, just try to suggest things, don't try to replicate them. Too much detail can end up looking confusing. o One of the biggest helps is knowing how to shape things. For example, you can curve a horizontal line with just: _ - " _____-------"""""""--------_____-------""""""" o Slanting vertical lines is easy. These four line are all made with a few characters, like: / , _ - ' " / ,' ,-' ,_-'" / ,' ,-' ,_-'" / ,' ,-' ,_-'" / ,' ,-' ,_-'" / ,' ,-' ,_-'" / ,' ,-' ,_-'" o Then there's smoothing, also called "anti-aliasing". This is where special care is taken to use characters for their shapes. With this technique, you can smooth out a font, or an object like the one below. Notice how the sides on the object are curved using: d b ( ) Y XXXX d88b XXXXXXXX <- Turn this d888888b XXXXXXXXXX (88888888) XXXXXXXX Into this -> Y888888Y XXXX Y88Y Popular fills are: 8 M H o Use areas of characters for patterns, tones, and contrast. For example, in this flower, notice the density of the letters subtlely change to form the petals. I would like to see this colorized. ___________ [___________] {=========} .-' '-. / \ /_________________\ | _ _ _ | ||\(_ |_)||_)||\ || ,.--. ,.--. ||~\_)| || \|| \|| // \ \ // \ \ |_________________| jgs \\ \ / \\ \ / | | `'--' `'--' '-----------------' _.-^^---....,,-- _-- --_ < BOOM! >) | | \._ _./ ```--. . , ; .--''' | | | .-=|| | |=-. `-=#$%&%$#=-' | ; :| _____.,-#%&$@%#&#~,._____ .----------. adult bedroom toy. Wrap it in a large ` { GARAGE } amount of tin foil. Secretly hide it { SALE } in a piece of the victims carry on luggage. As it { ~~~~~~~~~~ } goes through the airport x-ray machine the contents `""""||""""` of the device will be shielded by the tin foil and || will be unwrapped-inspected by airport jgs \\||//. security officials. This one will make .-. your sides hurt from laughter, if pre- (0.0) sent during the inspection. I like this prank for both '=.|m|.=' male and female victims. .='`"``=. ..xxxxxxxxxx.... MWMWMWWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMW IIIIMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMttii: IIYVVXMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWxx... IWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMx.. IIWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWBY%ZACH%AND%OWENMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMx.. ""MWMWMWMWMWM"""""""". .:.. ."""""MWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWti. "" . ` .: . :. : . . :. . . . . """"MWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMti . . :` . : . .'.' '....xxxxx...,'. ' ' ."""YWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM ; . ` . . : . .' : . ..XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx. ` . "YWMWMWMWMWMW . . . . . . ..XXXXXXXXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXXXX. . . """"""" ' : : . : . ...XXXXXWWW" W88N88@888888WWWWWXX. . . . . . ' . . : ...XXXXXXWWW" M88N88GGGGGG888^8M "WMBX. . .. : ..XXXXXXXXWWW" M88888WWRWWWMW8oo88M WWMX. . : "XXXXXXXXXXXXWW" WN8888WWWWW W8@@@8M BMBRX. . : XXXXXXXX=MMWW": . W8N888WWWWWWWW88888W XRBRXX. . .... ""XXXXXMM::::. . W8@889WWWWWM8@8N8W . . :RRXx. . ``...''' MMM::.:. . W888N89999888@8W . . ::::"RXV . ..''''' MMMm::. . WW888N88888WW . . mmMMMMMRXx ..' . ""MMmm . . WWWWWWW . :. :,miMM""" : ""` ""MMMMmm . . . . ._,mMMMM""" : ' . : ""MMMMMMMMMMMMM""" . : . ' . . _..._ .' '. /`\ /`\ |\ The aliens are coming! (__| |__)|\ \\ /| The aliens are coming! ( " ) \\ || // \ / \\||// \ _ / |\|` / I don't want to alarm anybody, '.___.' \____/ but there is an excellent chance that (___) (___) the Earth will be destroyed in the next /` `\ / / several days. Congress is thinking about | \/ / eliminating a federal program under which | | |\ / scientists broadcast signals to alien | | | "` beings. This would be a large mistake. | | | Alien beings have atomic blaster death | | | cannons. You cannot cut off their federal |_|_____| programs as if they were merely poor (___)_____) people. / \ | / |\| | I realize some of you may not believe that alien //||\\ Y | beings exist. But how else can you explain the || || \\ | | many unexplained phenomena that people are al- |/ \\ |\|| | ways sighting, such as lightning and flying \||__|__| saucers? Oh, I know the authorities claim these (___|___) sightings are actually caused by "weather jgs / A \ balloons," but that is a bucket of manure if I / / \ \ ever heard one. (That's just a figure of speech, \___/ \___/ of course. I realize manure is silent.) _________ / ;~~~~~~`\ ____/ |________\________ / : `\ |> .--.:^^ .--. _<) {____/ .. \___________/ .. \____} \ '' / \ '' / jgs '--' '--' __,__ / \ vvvvvvv /|__/| I /O,O | I /_____ | /|/| J|/^ ^ ^ \ | /00 | _//| |^ ^ ^ ^ |W| |/^^\ | /oo | \m___m__|_| \m_m_| \mm_| Pretty darn cute. __ / /\ eric / e punisher+@CMU.EDU hi what? / / / -------------------------------------------------------- /_/ / /\ "hey, i didn't order any tax!" \\\ \/ / "sylvia, i can't believe you're having an affair!" \\\ / /\ "well you know, being a cow is a recessive trait" \\\ \/ / -------------------------------------------------------- \\\ / \\\/ ,@@@@@@@, ,,,. ,@@@@@@/@@, .oo8888o. ,&%%&%&&%,@@@@@/@@@@@@,8888\88/8o ,%&\%&&%&&%,@@@\@@@/@@@88\88888/88' %&&%&%&/%&&%@@\@@/ /@@@88888\88888' %&&%/ %&%%&&@@\ V /@@' `88\8 `/88' `&%\ ` /%&' |.| \ '|8' |o| | | | | |.| | | | | jgs \\/ ._\//_/__/ ,\_//__\\/. \_//__/_ .:. .:. .:. _oOoOo _oOoOo oOoOo_ [_||||| [_||||| |||||_] ||||| ||||| ||||| jgs ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ _/\_ __/\__ ) . (_ _) .' ( Season's Greetings! `) '.( ) .' (` `-._\()/__(~` joan stark ()() spunk1111@juno.com / |`\ jgs ) : ( visit my ascii art gallery: `)_/` http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ : '. _ .' -= (~) =- .' # '. /""""" | (')') C _) \ _| jgs \__/ /` \`\ .--.___ ._ _,.__,.___. / \ .' `-._ >_.._ > _ ( \_ `. 7 \ '-.| \ `--. 7 ` _/ ) _> < / | ( ( _ / ) ) ) / `\. C.` \ / / (/ ~-.\ ~-~ ` Africa South America North America by Hilsen, Peer Wandel Hansen These are very nice-- the small pics are always so difficult to do... wonderful!! -joan -- _ _(_)_ wWWWw ,,, _ (_)@(_),,, (___) {{{}} _(_)_ /(_) {{{}} ~Y~ ~Y~ (_)@(_) | {{}~Y~ (@)\|{}} \|/ /(_) joan stark (\|/)~Y~\| \Y/\|~Y~ \|/ (\|/) \|//\|/\|/\\|/\|\|/\\|//\\|// ^jgs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII ART GALLERY: _ _(_)_ wWWWw _ @@@@ (_)@(_) vVVVv _ @@@@ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ (___) `|/ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ \|/ (_)\ / Y \| \|/ /(_) \| |/ | \ | \ |/ | / \ | / \|/ |/ \| \|/ jgs|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ , __ \/ __ /\^/`\ /o \{}/ o\ If I had a flower for each time | \/ | \ () / I thought of you, my garden | | | `> /\ <` ,,, would be full... \ \ / @@@@ (o/\/\o) {{{}} _ _ '\\//' @@()@@ _ ) ( ~Y~ @@@@ _{ ' }_ || @@@@ _(_)_ wWWWw .oOOo. @@()@@ { `.!.` } || ,/ (_)@(_) (___) OO()OO @@@@ _ ',_/Y\_,' || ,\ | /) (_)\ Y 'OOOO',,,(\|/ _(_)_ {_,_} |\ || |\\|// vVVVv`|/@@@@ _ \/{{}}}\| (_)@(_) | ,,, | | || | |;,,,(___) |@@()@@ _(_)_| ~Y~ wWWWw(_)\ (\| {{{}} | | || / / {{}}} Y \| @@@@ (_)#(_) \| (___) | \| /~Y~ \ \||/ /\\|~Y~ \|/ | \ \/ /(_) |/ |/ Y \|/ |//\|/ jgs\ `\\//`,.\|/|//.|/\\|/\\|,\|/ //\|/\|.\\\| // \|\\ |/,\|/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,#####, 1. Alien beings from a highly advanced #_ _# society visit the Earth, and you are the |e` `e| first human they encounter. As a token | u | of intergalactic friendship, they present \ = / you with a small but incredibly |\___/| sophisticated device that is ___ ____/: :\____ ___ capable of curing all dis- .' `.-===-\ /-===-.` '. ease, providing an infinite / .-"""""-.-"""""-. \ supply of clean energy, /' =:= '\ wiping out hunger and .' ' .: o -=:=- o :. ' `. poverty, and permanently (.' /'. '-.....-'-.....-' .'\ '.) eliminating oppression /' ._/ ". --:-- ." \_. '\ and violence all over the | .'| ". ---:--- ." |'. | entire Earth. You decide | : | | ---:--- | | : | to: \ : | |_____._____| | : / / ( |----|------| ) \ A. Present it to the /... .| | | | |. ...\ president of the |::::/'' jgs / | \ ''\::::| United States. '"""" /' .L_ `\ """"' B. Present it to the /'-.,__/` `\__..-'\ secretary general of the ; / \ ; United Nations. : / \ | C. Take it apart. | / \. | |`../ | ,/ .---. ( _ ) | _) = _/__~0_\_ | | | | jgs = = (_________) |___| \___| :===| |==| 2. As you grow older, what lost \ / |__| quality of your youthful life do /\/\ /"""`8.__ you miss the most? |oo| \__.//___) |==| A. Innocence. \__/ ,:',:`,:' __||_||_||_||_||__ ____[""""""""""""""""""]____ \ " ''''''''''''''''''''''' \ ~~~^~^~^^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~~^~^~~^~^~^^~~^~^ .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. | | | . ~ ~ . | | .'@ )) .. '..~ | | > - ~`` '~\{ | | \ From: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu ----- ----- 1 | H | |He | |---+---- --------------------+---| 2 |Li |Be | | B | C | N | O | F |Ne | |---+---| |---+---+---+---+---+---| 3 |Na |Mg |3B 4B 5B 6B 7B | 8B |1B 2B |Al |Si | P | S |Cl |Ar | |---+---+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---| 4 | K |Ca |Sc |Ti | V |Cr |Mn |Fe |Co |Ni |Cu |Zn |Ga |Ge |As |Se |Br |Kr | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 5 |Rb |Sr | Y |Zr |Nb |Mo |Tc |Ru |Rh |Pd |Ag |Cd |In |Sn |Sb |Te | I |Xe | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 6 |Cs |Ba |LAN|Hf |Ta | W |Re |Os |Ir |Pt |Au |Hg |Tl |Pb |Bi |Po |At |Rn | |---+---+---+------------------------------------------------------------ 7 |Fr |Ra |ACT| ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Lanthanide |La |Ce |Pr |Nd |Pm |Sm |Eu |Gd |Tb |Dy |Ho |Er |Tm |Yb |Lu | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| Actinide |Ac |Th |Pa | U |Np |Pu |Am |Cm |Bk |Cf |Es |Fm |Md |No |Lw | ------------------------------------------------------------- "Here's a view of the globe that is down to earth. :-)" ,,ggddY"""Ybbgg,, ,agd888b,_ "Y8, ___`""Ybga, ,gdP""88888888baa,.""8b "888g, ,dP" ]888888888P' "Y `888Yb, ,dP" ,88888888P" db, "8P""Yb, ,8" ,888888888b, d8888a "8, ,8' d88888888888,88P"' a, `8, ,8' 88888888888888PP" "" `8, d' I88888888888P" `b 8 `8"88P""Y8P' 8 8 Y 8[ _ " 8 8 "Y8d8b "Y a 8 8 `""8d, __ 8 Y, `"8bd888b, ,P `8, ,d8888888baaa ,8' `8, 888888888888' ,8' `8a "8888888888I a8' `Yba `Y8888888P' adP' "Yba `888888P' adY" `"Yba, d8888P" ,adP"' Normand Veilleux `"Y8baa, ,d888P,ad8P"' from ``""YYba8888P""'' Spaceship Earth X y y 0 0 y y y y y y y y y y y y y x xx y x x x x x x x xx x / .- __ |/,-'` `-.\ The Rescue Mission _.-'''-._ \\ .--. 666 Confederate Drive _.;.--._.--.;._ _\\/_`~\\ Macon, Georgia _ .-. .` /( / \ )\ `|. \\ |--' | \ | | ; '-' '-' ; |~~~~~| _\ \| |__ | (_) | | '__|_ Dear Friend, (_` _)| . . | |. (__ \ `', |` | `-.___.-' | | (__ | Perhaps you have heard of me | | ; | : | ; | '(___ | and my nationwide campaign | | \ | : | / | . | | in the cause of temperance. | \____'._| : |_.'___;====| | Each winter for the past \ | : | / fourteen years, I have tour- jgs '------. '._.' .---------'` ed the eastern United States | | and have delivered a series | . ~ . | of lectures on the evils of drinking | | and philandering. | | |____.____| I have been accompanied by my young /===========\ friend, Tommy Patton. Tommy, a ;:. | .::. ; young man of good family and excell- |:' |_'::' | ent educational background, is a | .:. | | pathetic example of a life ruined by |__':'_|___.::| excessive indulgence in whiskey and [______I______] wild women. | | | (_ | _) He du arme Sack ich gang i d'Ferie und | | | Du muesch in Züri bliebe... würd mi scho _|___|___|_ mega aschisse Du! Aber wänn ich dra denk .-//\\--|||--//\\-. das ich döt i dem fremde Land ganz viel (_||__\\//|\\//__||_) gueti Lüt kennelärn so chan ich doch nur `"""""""""`"""""""""` säge: sehr guet, sehr guet. . ~ ~ . .'@ )) .. '..~ > - ~`` '~\{ \ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ _.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-. .-. ((`-) \\ \\ joan stark .="""=._)) spunk1111@juno.com / ., .' /__(,_.-' ` /| ASCII ART GALLERY /_|__ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | `)) | jgs -"== jgs (\/) .-. .-. \/ ((`-)(-`)) (\/) \\ // (\/) I LOVE ASCII ART! \/ \\ // \/ .="""=._))((_.="""=. / ., .' '. ,. \ joan stark /__(,_.-' '-._,)__\ ` /| |\ ` (\/) /_|__ __|_\ \/ (\/) | `)) ((` | ASCII ART GALLERY: \/ | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ -"== =="- *%\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*<*>*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/%* * X ! X ! X ! X ! ! X ! X ! X ! X * * O O O O O O O O * * * * \|/ , \|/ * * _..-'( _ __/| )`-.._ * * ./'. '||\\. \`O.o' .//||` .`\.. * * ./'.|'.|||||\\|.. =(_ _)= ..|//||||`.`|.`\. * * ./'..|'.||||||||\`````-. ,U. ,-'''''/||( )|||.`|..`\. * * ./'.||'.||||~||||||||||||.V V.|||||||||||||||||.`||.`\. * * /'|||'.||||( >|||||||||||||. .||||||||||||||||||^||.`|||`\ * * '.|||'.|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||( )|.`|||.` * * '.||| |||||||||||/' ``\||`|( )|'||/'' `\||||< ||| |||.` * * |/' \./' `\|/ \||\ /\V/ \|/' ~`\./ `\| * * V V V V `||\\ ` V V V * * ` ` ` ' || \\ _ ' ' ' * * (( \\// * * \\ \/ * * /_\ * * " " * * * *********************************************************************** ____ _ | __\_\_o____/_| <[___\_\_-----< | o' ... """... ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` ``` \o/ _| / But, from the point of view of someone who is standing still on earth, it should look like: ____ _ | __\_\_o____/_| <[___\_\_-----< ........................ | o' . . . . \o/ | / \ As for the skydiver, he is in fact not "standing" but "liing" (like on a bed): seen from _above_ (or underneath) \o/ | / \ which is quite hard to represent if you look at it from the side, something like : _.-._ - is not really accurate, nor does it looks like a human :-) So you have to choose the point of view before you start drawing (the plane should also look different if seen from underneath). _(_)_ wWWWw _ @@@@ (_)@(_) vVVVv _ @@@@ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ (___) `|/ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ \|/ (_)\ / Y \| \|/ /(_) \| |/ | \ | \ |/ | / \ | / \|/ |/ \| \|/ jgs|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _ -=\`\ One day at a busy airport, the passengers |\ ____\_\__ on a commercial airliner are seated, -=\c`""""""" "`) waiting for the cockpit crew to show up so jgs `~~~~~/ /~~` they can get under way. The pilot and -==/ / copilot finally appear in the rear of the '-' > TABLOIDS TABLOIDS READERS > .-'`\-,/^\ .-. .-. /^\,-/`'-. > / | \ ( ee\ __ __ /aa ) / | \ > | | |__/,--.`"` `, ,' `"`.--,\__| | | > | / .__/ `"""",/ D I \,""""` \__. \ | > | / / | _____________________ | \ \ | > .'.-' /__/ |-._`-._ :| |: _.-'_.-| \__\ '-. '. > `"`| |';-;_` | `-._`:| |:`_.-' | `_;-;'| |`"` > jgs |/ /-)))))) |-------`-' '-'-------| ((((((-\ \| > |------_.-. ."`". .-./ _=_ \.-. { (,(oYo),) }} {{ | " |} } { { \(---)/ }} {{ }'-=-'{ } } { { }._:_.{ }} {{ } -:- { } } jgs {_{ }`===`{ _} ((((\) (/)))) _,.-----.,_ ,-~ ~-. ,^___ ___^. /~" ~" . "~ "~\ Y ,--._ I _.--. Y | Y ~-. | ,-~ Y | | | }:{ | | j l / | \ ! l .-~ (__,.--" .^. "--.,__) ~-. ( / / | \ \ ) \.____, ~ \/"\/ ~ .____,/ ^.____ ____.^ | |T ~\ ! ! /~ T| | | |l _ _ _ _ _ !| | | l \/V V V V V V\/ j | l \ \|_|_|_|_|_|/ / ! \ \[T T T T T TI/ / \ `^-^-^-^-^-^' / \ / -Row \. ,/ "^-.___,-^" ->Skullster<- ,- ,'::| /::::| ,'::::o\ _.. ____........-------,..::?88b ,-' / _.--"""". . . . . . . . ""`-._ ,-' .;' <. - :::::o...... ... . . .. . . . .""--._ ,-'. .;' `-._ ` `":`:`:`::||||:::::::::::::::::.:. . ""--._ ,'| ,-'. .;' """_=-- //'doo.. ````:`:`::::::::::.:.:.:. .`-`._-'. .;' ""--.__ P( \ ` ``:`:``:::: . .;' "\""--.:-. `. .:/ \. / `-._ `.""-----.,-..::(--"".\""`. `:\ `P `-._ \ `-:\ `. `:\ "" " -Seal `-._) ######### #### ### ######## ## ##++++++++##### # ######## #++++++++++++########## # ####### ##++++++++### ### # ####### ##++++++++# ## # ## ##+++++++++++# #### # # ####++++++++++++++# ###### # # ###+++++++++++++++++++# ##### # ##+### ######+++++++++++++++++++++++# ##### # #++++++####++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# ### # ##++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++## ## # ##++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++## ## #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++### #++# #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++######++++# #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# #++++++#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# #++++##+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# #+++##+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# #+++#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++##+++++# #+++#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++++# #+++#+++###+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++++# #+++#++#XX###++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++++# #++++++##xx####++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++####++++++##+++# #+++++++#xxxxx#####+++++++++++++++++++++++++++######XX#++++++##+++# #+++++++#xxxxxxxxx########++++++++++#########xxxxxx##++++++++++## ##++++++#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx##########xxxxxxxxxxxxx##+++++++++++# #++++++##xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx###+++++++++++## #+++++++#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx##++++++++++++## #+++++++#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx##++++++++++++## #+++++++##xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx##++++++++++++## ##+++++++#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx##++++++++++++## ##++++++##xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx##++++++++++++## ##++++++##xxxxxxxxxxxxx##++++++++++++## ##++++++###xxxxxxx###++ ***** ***** **** **** **** **** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** ** * ** ** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** **** **** **** **** *** *** ***** * hi, my honey. i'm really happy that my mailbox is full of those pretty hearts every day. so, i just thought i would return the favor, just in case you'd not yet realized just how i love you. you are just so very, very, very extraordinarily special and i adore you ! ******************************************* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ \/ \/ \/ ******************************************* , ' . ' , . . ' . , . ' + + .-'''''-. .' `. + . ________|| ___ : : | / || . '___ ____/ \ : : ||. _/ || ||\_______/ \ / \ : _/| : `|| __/ ,.|| || \ / , ' . \ : =/_/ : |'_______ || || || . \ | \__`._/ | .' ___| \__ \\|| ||... , \ l|, ' ( / ,|...-' \ ' , __\||_//___ ___|____ \_/^\/||__ , . ,__ ||// \ . , _/~ `""~`"` \_ ''( ....,||/ ' ..,... __/ -'/ `-._ `\_\__ | \ || _______ . itz/jgs/ccm'` `\ \ \-.\ /(_1_,.. || / ______/"""" howling coyote , |`-.__ Baltimore K-9 / ' _/ ****` The Baltimore Police Department, famous for it's / } superior K-9 unit, was somewhat taken aback by a / \ / recent incident. Returning home from work, a \ /` \\\ woman had been shocked to find her house ran- `\ /_\\ sacked and burglarized. She telephoned the po- jgs `~~~~~``~` lice at once and reported the crime. Here is another-- although it is an obvious GIFssci, it is pretty nice... No, I do not, know who created it. ,_-=(!7(7/zs_. .=' ' .`/,/!(=)Zm. .._,,._.. ,-`- `,\ ` -` -`\\7//WW. ,v=~/.-,-\- -!|V-s.)iT-|s|\-.' `///mK%. v!`i!-.e]-g`bT/i(/[=.Z/m)K(YNYi.. /-]i44M. v`/,`|v]-DvLcfZ/eV/iDLN\D/ZK@%8W[Z.. `/d!Z8m //,c\(2(X/NYNY8]ZZ/bZd\()/\7WY%WKKW) -'|(][%4. ,\\i\c(e)WX@WKKZKDKWMZ8(b5/ZK8]Z7%ffVM, -.Y!bNMi /-iit5N)KWG%%8%%%%W8%ZWM(8YZvD)XN(@. [ \]!/GXW[ / ))G8\NMN%W%%%%%%%%%%8KK@WZKYK*ZG5KMi,- vi[NZGM[ i\!(44Y8K%8%%%**~YZYZ@%%%%%4KWZ/PKN)ZDZ7 c=//WZK%! ,\v\YtMZW8W%%f`,`.t/bNZZK%%W%%ZXb*K(K5DZ -c\\/KM48 -|c5PbM4DDW%f v./c\[tMY8W%PMW%D@KW)Gbf --/(=ZZKM8[ 2(N8YXWK85@K -'c|K4/KKK%@ V%@@WD8e~ .//ct)8ZK%8` =)b%]Nd)@KM[ !'\cG!iWYK%%| !M@KZf -c\))ZDKW%` YYKWZGNM4/Pb '-VscP4]b@W% 'Mf` -L\///KM(%W! !KKW4ZK/W7)Z. '/cttbY)DKW% -` .',\v)K(5KW%%f 'W)KWKZZg)Z2/,!/L(-DYYb54% ,,`, -\-/v(((KK5WW%f \M4NDDKZZ(e!/\7vNTtZd)8\Mi!\-,-/i-v((tKNGN%W%% 'M8M88(Zd))///((|D\tDY\\KK-`/-i(=)KtNNN@W%%%@%[ !8%@KW5KKN4///s(\Pd!ROBY8/=2(/4ZdzKD%K%%%M8@%% '%%%W%dGNtPK(c\/2\[Z(ttNYZ2NZW8W8K%%%%YKM%M%%. *%%W%GW5@/%!e]_tZdY()v)ZXMZW%W%%%*5Y]K%ZK%8[ '*%%%%8%8WK\)[/ZmZ/Zi]!/M%%%%@f\ \Y/NNMK%%! 'VM%%%%W%WN5Z/Gt5/b)((cV@f` - |cZbMKW%%| 'V*M%%%WZ/ZG\t5((+)L\'-,,/ -)X(NWW%% `~`MZ/DZGNZG5(((\, ,t\\Z)KW%@ 'M8K%8GN8\5(5///]i!v\K)85W%%f YWWKKKKWZ8G54X/GGMeK@WM8%@ !M8%8%48WG@KWYbW%WWW%%%@ VM%WKWK%8K%%8WWWW%%%@` ~*%%%%%%W%%%%%%%@~ ~*MM%%%%%%@f` ''''' _ ~0 (_| < spunk1111@juno.com > |(_~|^~~| SPUNK'S GALLERY OF ASCII ART: TT/_ T"T < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > jgs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$e "$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ .$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$F "$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$b $$$$ **"****$$$ $$$$ $$* ..... $$$$$ $$$$ $$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ "^ 4$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$P***% ee$ $$$$$$$ $$$.. ... $$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ $$ 4$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ $$"$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ e$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ $$** $$$$$$$ $$$$ $$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ """$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ e$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ ****** ****$$ $$$$ $$ 4$$ 4$$ $$$$ e$$eeed$$ $$$P**% 4de *$$$$$$$ $$$*% ... .$. *$$$$$ $$$$ $ $$$F $$$$ $$"" 4ee$$F $$" $$ber ""$$$$ $$$e 4d$P" ** 4eeeed$$$br *$$$$$ $$$$F .. $$$$L $$$$ $$$F $$$$ 4$$$$ $$$$F" e$ d$$""""""$$e ^"3$$$ $$$P% e$ **" .eer $$$e '* $$$ .$$$ ..J$F .$$.. .$$ $$$$ $ $$F $$$$$ 4$ $*"4ed$$$E ee 3$$$F e$$$$$ $$*ed$$$Pbee '*****" $$$$$$ .$$$$$ ....$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$e 4$$$$$$$ -=[ kid's toys ]=- 3/97 ()-() /o o\ _\ Y /_ .--. _ O__`&`__0 /____\ ,_(')< / \ [B] \~~~~/ jgs \___) ()/^\() [A][C] '--' __.--~~.,-.__ 13. Have week old fruit and vegetables delivered `~-._.-(`-.__`-. to your garage and wait two weeks before eating \ `~~` them. .--./ \ /# \ \.--. 14. Prepare all meals blindfolded using all the \ / /# \ spices you can grope for, or none at all. Remove jgs '--' \ / the blindfold and eat everything in three minutes. '--' BIRDS .----------------..----------------..----------------..----------------. |}: :{}: :{}: __ :{}: .---,__ :{| |}: ___ :{}: _ :{}: ( "> :{}: ( /o|__\ :{| |}: ('v') :{}: <6)_ ,/ :{}: )( :{}: \ \ /-' :{| |}: (( )) :{}: (_==/ :{}: // ) :{}: ) ( :{| |}: /-"---"-- :{}: ='- :{}: --//""---- :{}: / \ :{| |}: s:{}: s:{}: -/-------- s:{}: s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: :{}: :{}: :{}: _ :{| |}: , # :{}: _ :{}: ,___, :{}: _ ( ) :{| |}: (\\_(^> :{}: >(')_, :{}: (9v9) :{}: <')_( '_) :{| |}: (_(__) :{}: (_~_/ :{}: (_^(_\ :{}: 8(_~,__) :{| |}: ....-"=.... :{}: ~^~~^~^~^~^~ :{}:^^^^"^"\\^^^^ :{}: _YY_ :{| |}: s:{}: s:{}:^^^^^^^^^^^ s:{}: "'"'"'"''" s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: ANIMALS :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: :{}: :{}: :{}: :{| |}: __ (\_ :{}: _// :{}: \ /\ :{}: _ :{| |}: (_ \ ( '> :{}: (') :{}: ) ( ') :{}: _-(_)- :{| |}: ) \/_)= :{}: =( \ :{}: ( / ) :{}: `(___) :{| |}: (_(_ )_ :{}: _( )o :{}: \(__)\_ :{}: // \\ :{| |}: "'""'""'" s:{}: "'""'""'"" s:{}: ~~~~~~~~~~ s:{}: ^^^^^^^^^ s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: o :{}: :{}: :{}: _ _ :{| |}: o / :{}: (\___/)( :{}: _ :{}: (.)-(.) :{| |}: o /`\ :{}: =(' Y ')=) :{}: /_/_ :{}: (6 6) :{| |}: <')_=< :{}: /`---'\/ :{}: =O(_))))- :{}: =\o/= :{| |}: \_/ :{}: / )._.( \ :{}: \_\ :{}: ~~m~~~m~~ :{| |}: \ s:{}: '" "' s:{}: s:{}: ~~~~~~~~ s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: o :{}: :{}: _ _ :{}: __ _ :{| |}: ~ _\ :{}: :{}: (o)_(o) :{}: /.'/./ :{| |}: . .' `. o :{}: _ .---. :{}: \ " / :{}: /`./'/ :{| |}: )>< ( '> :{}: (_\/ \_, :{}: >\ /< :{}: \\_\:/'/_ :{| |}: ' `.__.' ~ :{}: __'uu---uu~` :{}: 0 :{}: (")_)}}}}} :{| |}: ~ / s:{}: ~~~~~~~~~~~~s:{}: s:{}: ^<<<~~~~ s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::---------------:| |}: :{}: .-~~~~-. :{}: \\ :{}: :{| |}: ,, :{}: / (o)(o) :{}: \\_ :{}: (\____/) :{| |}: c(')___@ :{}: / .. | :{}: (_) :{}: / @__@ \ :{| |}: ( __ ) :{}: /\ \____/ :{}: / ) :{}: ( (oo) ) :{| |}: // \\ :{}:/ \\ ,\_/ :{}: o(_)_\_ :{}: `-.~~.-' :{| |}: ^^ ^^ s:{}: \ / s:{}: s:{}: s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: CHRISTMAS/WINTER .----------------..----------------..----------------..----------------. |}: _ :{}: _...._ :{}: ) :{}: * :{| |}: _[_]_ :{}: .::o:::::. :{}: (_) :{}: /.\ :{| |}: (") :{}: .:::'''':o:. :{}: .-'-. :{}: /'.'\ :{| |}: `--( : )--' :{}: :o:_ _::: :{}: | | :{}: /..'\ :{| |}: ( : ) :{}: `:(_>()<_):' :{}: | | :{}: /'.'.'\ :{| |}: ""`-...-'""s:{}: `'//\\'' s:{}: ~~~`---'~~~ s:{}: --^^[_]^^--s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: FLOWERS :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: @@@@ :{}: _ :{}: @()@ :{}: :{| |}: @@()@@ :{}: _(_)_ :{}: @()@() :{}: vVVVv :{| |}: @@@@ :{}: (_)@(_) :{}: ()@()@) :{}: (___) :{| |}: / :{}: (_) :{}: _\|/_ :{}: Y :{| |}: \ | :{}: \ / :{}: |-----| :{}: \ | / :{| |}: \\|// s:{}: \\|// s:{}: \___/ s:{}: \\\|// s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: HOME :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: _..._ :{}: :{}: ( :{}: .-. .-. :{| |}: .' | `. :{}: .--. :{}: H----. :{}: ( \/ ) :{| |}: : | : :{}: __/LlLl\ :{}: /______\ :{}: \6 6 / :{| |}: : /|\ : :{}: ( _ -] _\ :{}: |Ll Ll| :{}: \ ^ / :{| |}: `. / | \ .' :{}: `-(@)--(@)'= :{}: |__[]__| :{}: \v / :{| |}: `-.:.-' s:{}: ^^^^^^^^^^^^s:{}: '"'"'\ \""'"s:{}: LOVE \/ s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: :{} .. .. :{}: , , :{}: __ :{| |}: ( :{} .' ` `. :{}: (|----|) :{}: |=. __ :{| |}: ). :{} .'_.-...-._`. :{}: )\ /( :{}: _| |=. :{| |}: o (:') o :{} `. .' :{}: )( :{}: (_) _| :{| |}: o ~/~~\~ o :{} `-...-' :{}: _|~~|_ :{}: (_) :{| |}: o o o s:{} s:{}: s:{}: s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: PEOPLE :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: |}: )))))))) :{}: mMm _[_]_ :{}: sSSSSSs :{}: .---. :{| |}: (((( \ :{}: /(_)\ (_) :{}: SS,, SSSS :{}: (_---_) :{| |}: \\\ 6 6 :{}: //)^(\//:\\ :{}: S< ?SSS :{}: (_/e.e\_) :{| |}: \C 7 :{}: /(/&@&\)|~|/ :{}: S> SSS :{}: ( v ) :{| |}: \ _-) :{}: /-~`~-\||| :{}: __)(__ :{}: /`- -'\ :{| |}: ) ( s:{}: `-----'-'- s:{}: \/ s:{}: s:{| :----------------::----------------::----------------::----------------: \ ' o ' /\ o \ o >=)'> ' /\ ' \/ \ >=)'> ~ / /\ \/ ~ >=)'> / . \/ / ~ , ~ __)\_ Why couldn't the porpoise say the alphabet? (\_.-' a`-. jgs (/~~````(/~^^` - because he always got lost at "c" ~ ~ ~ ;~~~ ' @@\_ C _) The voice says, "Shit." \<>/ jgs `' _ (.".) _ '-'/. .\'-' Visit... /_ _\ _...._ (` o o `)---` .::'. http://www.jagat.com/joel/bull.html jgs /"---"` .::' ' \ |: .::. / .::;| for more sock related stories. |' ::' .:| ':|| \\ \ \ '\ /\\ \`;-'| |-.-'-, \ |) ( | ( | `-uu ( | || || || || /_( /_( /_(/_( From: Nveilleu@emr1.emr.ca (Normand Veilleux) [From a long discussion on mazes. See below for how to make them easily.] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaaaaaaaa 8 aaaaa aaaa8aaaa aaaa8 aaaaa aaaaa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8aaaaaaaa a 8aaaaaaa8 8aaaaaaaa 8aaaa a 8 8 8aaaaaaa8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8aaa8aaaaaaaa a 8 aaaaaaaa8 8aaa8 8 8aaaaaaaa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8aaaaaaaaaaaa 8aaa8 8aaaa 8 aaaaa 8aaaaaaaa 8 aaaa8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaaaa 8aaaa 8 8aaaa 8 8aaaaaaa8 a a 8 8aaaaaaaaaaa8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8aaaaaaa8aaaa 8 8 8 aaaa8aaaa 8 aaaa8 8 8aaaa 8aaaa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaaaa 8 8aaaaaaaa 8aaaa 8 8aaaa 8aaa8 aaaa8aaaaaaaa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaaa8aaaa a 8aaaa aaaa8aaaa 8 8 8aaaaaaaaaaaa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8aaaaaaaa 8 8 8 8aaa8 8aaaaaaa8 aaaaaaaaa 8 8aaaaaaa8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 aaaa8 8aaa8 aaaaa 8aaaaaaaa 8aaa8 a 8aaaaaaaa a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8aaa8 "If you wish to create your own mazes use the following grid and replicate the bottom two lines as many times as you need to make a large rectangle of little squares." aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8aaa8 "Then, all you have to do is knock down walls. As a finishing touch, replace by an 'a' all the 8's that are on top of a vertical line or that show through a line of a's." ___ .' _ '. Me: "But 9 says Don't Drink,' / /` `\ \ which doesn't quite go with | | [__] item 2, and 6 says The moon | | {{ is made of green cheese,' | | }} which is just plain wrong." _ | | _ {{ ___________<_>_| |_<_>}}________ John: "There's no contradiction .=======^=(___)=^={{====. between 9 and 2, 9 just clarifies / .----------------}}---. \ 2. As far as 6 goes, you've / /| {{ |\ \ never been to the moon, so you / / | }} | \ \ can't say for sure." ( '=========================' ) jgs '-----------------------------' $$$$$$$$8$$B8 $$$RRMRMRMR$$$@@ $$$RMMM?!!!!!?MM$$$$B5 $$MM!!~~~~~~~~~!!MM$B$$RR$$M $R!!!~~ ~~~~~~~~~~!R@B $$$!!!!!!XXHHX!!!~~~~~~!NB$$ $$X!! var pre = "tzezza"; var domain = "yahoo.com"; var mail = pre + "@" + domain; var text = "Click Here to E-mail Me"; document.write(""+mail+""); $B $M!~!!XMMMMMMMMMMM!!~~~~~!MMM$$ R!~~!!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!~ `:!!MM$$ 8!:~!!MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! `'~!M$M $$RB!~~!!!!~~!!MM!!~ var pre = "tzezza"; var domain = "yahoo.com"; var mail = pre + "@" + domain; var text = "Click Here to E-mail Me"; document.write(""+mail+""); R!~~!!!!!!!!MM!!!!`!!!~~ MMM R!~~!!!!!!!!!H!!!!!!!!~' :< ?RM MX~~!!XMMM!!XM!HX!!?MX!<~X! 'MM $X!!!!!MMM!!MMS!MMXMMM!~!X! var pre = "tzezza"; var domain = "yahoo.com"; var mail = pre + "@" + domain; var text = "Click Here to E-mail Me"; document.write(""+mail+""); @RX!!!!MM!!!!!!!!!MMM!!!MM XMM R$8RMMX!!!!?!!!!!!!XMM?!!!!! 'MMM MMMMMMMMH!!!!!!!!!!%!!!!!!! ~.MMMM MMMMMMMMMX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !MMMMM MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 'MMMMM MMMMMMM8M* `!!!!!!!!!!!! `#MM M#"~` '~~!!!!~~~~ -- .-""-. (___/\ \ , joan stark (|^ ^ ) ) /( _)_\=_/ ( ,..__/ `\ ____(_/_ ` \ ) `\ _/ _/---._/(_)_ `\ ( '--\ `-.__..-' /. (_), | ) `._ ___\_____.'_| |__/ `~----"` `-.........' ASCII ART GALLERY: -=[ payphone ]=- 10/97 _________________ / __ \ | (__) | | | | .-----. .--. | | | | / \ | | '-----' \ / | | | | | | LI LI LI | | | | LI LI LI | | |Oo | LI LI LI | | |`Oo | LI LI LI | | | Oo | | | | Oo | .------. / \ | oO | | | \ / | Oo | '------' '-oO | oO | .---Oo | Oo | || ||`Oo oO | |'--'| | OoO | '----' | jgs \_________________/ ******************************************* LLLLLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LLLLLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LLLLLL LL LLLLLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LLLLLL LLLLLL ` : | | | |: || : ` : | |+|: | : : :| . ` . ` : | :| || |: : ` | | :| : | : |: | . : .' 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Here's another pin-up classic in ASCII format :) __,,aadd888888888baa,_ ,ad88888888888888888888888a, ,d88888888888888888888888888888a, ,d888888888888888888888888888888888b, ,d888888888888888888888888888888888888b d88888888888888888888888888888888888888b 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888, ,8888888888888888888888888888888888888888b d88888888888888888888888888888888888888888, 888888888888888888888888888888P'`888888888b ,88888888888888888888P"88P"Y888b Y888888888, ,d888888888888888888P" d8P' "88P "Y8888888b d88888888888888888P" Y" ,8P 88888888 ;88888888888888888P' '"""" Y" '"""" 8888888P I88888888888888888' ,aaa, /,aaa, 8888888' I8888888888\888888 `b8d' | `b8d' 888888P `Y8888888888\88888 ( ,888888' `Y8888888888)8888 (___) I88888' "888888888|8888, ,8888P' "8888888|8888I ,ad8a8ba, ,8888" "88888|88888, "Y888P" ,888P' `8888|8888`Ya, ,ad888P_ 8888|8888 `"Yba,,,,,,d88888888888baaa,,_ I888|8888 `""Y88888888P"' `""""Y8baa,,_ 8888'8888, ,8888888P `"""Y8baa,,_ ,888P Y888b I8888888' `"""8baa,_ 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(((_..--' ((_(_.-'` ((_(.' ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ _,'| _.-''``-...___..--';) /_ \'. __..-' , ,--...--''' <\ .`--''' ` /' `-';' ; ; ; __...--'' ___...--_..' .;.' (,__....----''' (,..--'' Felix Lee .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. _ _ * R E C I P E F O R A H A P P Y L I F E * _ _ ( \/ ) ( \/ ) \ / | /) \ / \/ ---> TAKE | /_ WHOLE MONTHS, <--- \/ CLEAN THEM THOROUGHLY OF ALL BITTERNESS, RUMORS, HATE, AND JEALOUSY; IN OTHER WORDS, MAKE THEM AS FRESH AND AS CLEAN AS POSSIBLE. ____________ _____________ (____________;=============\ `^^^^^^^^^^^^` NOW CUT EACH MONTH INTO 28, 30, OR 31 DIFFERENT PARTS-- BUT DON'T MAKE UP THE WHOLE BATCH AT ONCE... INSTEAD PREPARE IT ***ONE DAY*** AT A TIME. MIX WELL EACH DAY: .-. .-----------------. (( )) ONE PART OF FAITH, :._________________.: \ / | | | ONE OF PATIENCE, | | | | | | ONE OF COURAGE, \ / | `._____________.' | ONE OF WORK, ADD ONE PART EACH OF HOPE, FAITHFULNESS, GENEROSITY, AND KINDNESS; __ (__) BLEND WITH: .:::. || .:::. [| G | || ONE PART PRAYER, [| | .:::. | D | #-/__\ | P | [| | `---' | | ONE PART MEDITATION, `---' | M | | | `---' (@)(@) AND ONE GOOD DEED. ` ' SEASON THE WHOLE WITH A DASH OF GOOD SPIRIT, A SPRINKLE OF FUN, A PINCH OF PLAY, AND A CUPFUL OF GOOD HUMOR. ._ _____,_ POUR ALL OF THIS INTO A VESSEL OF LOVE. \` =|D) T =|^ COOK THOROUGHLY OVER RADIANT JOY `-----' ( ) GARNISH WITH SMILES ____________.---(----. `----------|`--------'| AND SERVE WITH QUIETNESS, | | | | UNSELFISHNESS, AND CHEERFULNESS `--------' AND YOU ARE BOUND TO HAVE A HAPPY LIFE. (artwork by joan stark- 9/96) ~ Proverbs 3:6 ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------ .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. , .--'|} / /}} .=\.--'`\} //` '---./` joan stark || /| spunk1111@juno.com \\| | |\_\\/ ASCII ART GALLERY: \__/\\ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \\ jgs \| * + * ' | () .-.,-"``"-. - o - '=/_ \ | * |::'=._ ; ' ' \::. `=./`, ' + . '-::..-'``' * O * . + . * . [Saturn as seen from one of its moons.] . . * . . . . * . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . 0 . . . , , , . \ . . . \ , . o . . . . . \ , . . #\##\# . . . # #O##\### . . . #*# #\##\### . , . ##*# #\##\## . . . ##*# #o##\# . , . . *# #\# . . . , \ . . ____^/\___^--____/\____O______________/\/\---/\___________---______________ /\^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ '\ ^ ^ --- -- - -- - - --- __ ^ -- __ ___-- ^ ^ -- __ ____ ________ ,^.__.>--"~~'_.--~_)~^. _L^~ ~ (~ _.-~ \. |\ ,-~ __ __,^"/\_A_/ /' \ _/ ,-" "~~" __) \ ~_,^ /\ // / ,-~\ x~" \._"-~ ~ _Y Y' Y. 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Only balloon animals he can make \\_//^\\_//^\\_// are a snake and a "snake on acid." jgs `"` `"` `"` __ (\ .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. /_") \\_//^\\_//^\\_//^\\_//^\\_//^\\_//^\\_//^\\_//^\\_// jgs `"` `"` `"` `"` `"` `"` `"` `"` `"` Schlangen What mouse fell in the mud? _ _ (.)_(.).----. - Icky Mouse \6 6/ `. =\ /= ;~~~~~~~~~~~ _..........O`mm-----mm'............_jgs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'^^^^^^^^^ _ /;) (;( A,=,A ,;;;;, );) /;6;6;\/;;;;;;\/;/ =\;;t;;/=;;;;/;;;/ `==;;;;;""|;;;/ ||;| \\;\ jgs ((;;| ((;;\ ``"` ``"` ___ .-9 9 `\ =(:(::)= ; |||| \ |||| `-. ,\|\| `, / \ ; `'---., | `\ ; / | \ | / jgs ) \ __,.--\ / .-' \,..._\ \` .-' .-' `-=`` `: | /-/-/` `.__/ ,;;;;;, ,;;;;;;;;, ;;;'____ ; ;;;(\\\\\; `/'((||||| ___< C))|||| ,' \__(((||), | \ _)))))))\,_ /| |/"\`\`""""' |) ; \ \ ) \_____/_| | |\ \' _.,-' | | ' \ \.,-' _./ | ( _,-\ _.-'' | ; "'|___\__.-' ; ) |----| _.--,;' ; ,' , | ( __.,-' | ,' ,' `""'' `. | ; ) `, ( ) | ( ,' | | ( | | | | | | | |___________| | | | | Normand Veilleux based on work by Tua Xiong _.---._ .' `. :) (: \ (@) (@) / \ A / ) ( \"""""/ `._.' .=. .---._.-.=.-._.---. / ':-(_.-: :-._)-:` \ / /' (__.-: :-.__) `\ \ / / (___.-` '-.___) \ \ / / (___.-'^`-.___) \ \ / / (___.-'=`-.___) \ \ / / (____.'=`.____) \ \ / / (___.'=`.___) \ \ (_.; `---'.=.`---' ;._) ;|| __ _.=._ __ ||; ;|| ( `.-.=.-.' ) ||; ;|| \ `.=.' / ||; ;|| \ .=. / ||; ;|| .-`.`-._.-'.'-. ||; .:::\ ( ,): O O :(, ) /:::. |||| ` / /'`--'--'`\ \ ' |||| '''' / / \ \ '''' / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ /.' `.\ (_)' `(_) \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// jgs \\. .// ///) (\\\ ,///' `\\\, ///' `\\\ ""' '"" HHHHH | | HHHHH ___) _| | | /\ / \ ___) _| \/____\_/ /\ / \ jgs \/____\_/ -=[ spaceship ]=- o | . -O- . | * . -0- * o . 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(since 8-20-98)

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colección de citas (spanish)

A collection of german poems

A Page of Quotations
The ascii-collection in a zip-file? ascii.zip [30k]

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Hugh Ascii-Collection Wicked Ascii Art
ASCII Art by Joan Stark
Ascii Newsletter (Funny Bone) very nice!

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