My name is Luke Wadel. I am a Roman Catholic by careful choice. My B.A. with honours in Classics and high honours in Philosophy is from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. My life happily belongs to God and my super wife Angela. In my main fields of interest, theology and philosophy, specializations are logic, Thomism, and St. Augustine. Texts are studied in the original languages. I am former assistant editor for the Canadian Catholic Review, and now work as a computer consultant and web page designer.
I beleive in the "great books approach," so my main "teachers" are Aristotle and Epictetus as philosophers, St. John of the Cross as theologian, and St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine as philosophical theologians. Through your prayers and informal debates with me, I hope always to come closer to the high expectations which this Christian life demands, namely absolute moral, intellectual, and theological sinlessness and virtue.
Since I was young my Mom took much care to see that I learned about the Catholic faith and about other faiths as well. She saw that excellent books were always available and, most importantly, helped me more than any in my prayer life. Dad particularly pointed out to me the greatness of the saints, and the transformation of a person that grace makes possible, with special reference to St. Augustine.
At the U of S, I have studied primarily under Professors Peter Burnell, Kevin Corrigan, and John Porter for Classics, and mostly under the numerous Thomists who have graced St. Thomas More College (Steven Baldner, Ernie McCullough, Steven Snyder, and Carl Still). I extend my deepest gratitude to these and to Dr. Brian Wiebe, my Logic professor, and Fr. Daniel Callam, CSB., my spiritual director. Further, immeasurable gratitude goes to my friend Denis Lacroix for his rare love of God and of men and for his making available to me some of the most extraordinary and exciting theological works and resources, in love of the Light. The first look at La Sainte Bible Polyglotte was a touch of eternity which will be with us and bind us together forever! I consider these men to be close to perfection. What I do well here is thanks to all these people, and what I do poorly stems from my own weaknesses. Help me improve; debate with me!
God bless!
-Luke Wadel
© Copyright 1997, Luke Wadel. Written permission of the author is required for copying, electronically or otherwise.