Institute of Communcation and the Arts

Gulf High School
5355 School Road
New Port Richey, FL 34652
(727) 774-3300

About the Institute...

Gulf High School proudly offers a special program for students with interests in the arts and how it relates to the world. The Institute of Communication and the Arts offers concentrated studies in the arts while fulfilling the academic requirements for graduation.

The ICA trains talented students who are interested in an arts profession and instills an appreciation for the arts in those students who choose other careers. Upon registration, each ICA student is given specific attention in developing an instructional plan tailored to his/her needs and interests.

Designed as a four year course of study, each arts area has been structured along with academic courses. Each student enrolled in this program will be scheduled into specified periods which will involve instruction in the arts area selected by the student. During the first year, they will select one of two Arts areas: Performance or Visual. Those students interested in the Performance Area will take classes in Drama and Music; those selecting the Visual Area will take Graphic Arts, 2D and 3D Art, and Photography.


The academic program is the same quality educational opportunity which is available to all Gulf High students. The qualifications required by Pasco County and the State of Florida will be met while allowing the student to concentrate on their elective credits.

Major Areas of Study...

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts courses offer a curriculum which will guide development of skills, concepts, and imaginative exploration in a wide variety of media. Students will experience courses in drawing, painting, photography, design, sculpture, and art history.

Graphic Arts

The Graphic Arts courses are geared toward those students who have interests in art design, computer art, silkscreening, and various other types of printing. Students will recieve instruction on advertising design and printing, which will give them a hands-on experience to take into the work force.


The Music program is designed to give students a variety of instructional and performance opportunities. Individual instrumental instruction, ensemble participation, and many different performance settings are offered to increase the students' technical proficiency. Music theory will also be provided to all ICA students. Course work in music theory and history combined with technical instruction provides an excellent instructional setting for musical training and experience. Students will also have the opportunity to compose and arrange music with the use of computer technology and multimedia.

Theatre Arts

Students in the Theatre Arts program are given the opportunity for training in most aspects of theatre production with a major emphasis performance, musical, or technical theatre. Course offerings are: theatre history, voice and diction, acting styles, movement, and production skills. Technical production in all of the performing arts areas is an important part of the learning experience.

Students Study the Holocaust...

ICA students are currently studying a dark part of our history...the Holocaust of World War II. The goal of this theme is to teach the students about how racial discrimination is wrong and how we can learn from past mistakes of the human race to better themselves in society by accepting all races. After reading literature about the Holocaust in their English classes, teachers in the ICA took a group of students to the Florida Holocaust Museum located in St. Petersburg, Florida. There, ICA students witness pictures of the tragedy as well as art work of the time period. The most memorable parts of the museum were the holographic images imported from a Holocaust museum in England, viewing of an actual boxcar used in the transportation of concentration camp victims, and hearing from an actual Jewish survivor of a concentration camp. Her words were riveting as she detailed life as a child in a concentration camp.

The students presented a Holocaust museum of their own and was displayed in the ICA Gallery (room 256) at Gulf High School on November 13-15. This was joined by a performance of "I Never Saw Another Butterfly", which was put on by students in Mrs. Gedraitis's drama classes. Pictures and video of the events are available through our school's main homepage.

The ICA Looks At The 1960's...

The students enrolled in the ICA in the 2001-2002 school year immersed themselves into the period of history that put a focus on humanity and pop culture, the 1960's. Students read literature of the time, as well as studied plays, composers of music and styles, and great works of art and the artists that created them. The goal of our study was to display a 60's museum and have our own Woodstock entitled "Gulfstock" which featured 60's inspired band Harry Dash from Hudson, Florida. Pictures can be found at the GHS Home Page. Visit our guest artists by clicking  here .They are a great group of musicians and our students seemed to enjoy the performance greatly!

Community Involvement...

The ICA plans to supplement the learning experience with real-life experiences and events to help the students understand and further enjoy the Fine Arts.

An advisory council made up of community leaders will assist in the learning process . Performers, artists, colleges, junior colleges, and businesses will provide input and act as resources for the students so that they can recieve as much exposure to the Arts as possible. Concerts, art shows, and business visitations will allow the ICA students to see what life in the real world of Fine Arts is like and what futures are available to them.

ICA Faculty

Lisa Barrus, Photography
Paula Smith, Art
Rebecca Gedraitis, Drama
Joseph Trapani, Graphic Arts
Daniel Barrus, English
William Rutherford, Director of Bands
Amy Riddle, Chorus
Lena LaBarbara, Drop-Out Prevention
Jan Ledman, English
Kathy Trapp, Career Specialist
Sue Samuelson, Drop-Out Prevention
Cathy Watters, SLD Instruction
Dr. Cathy Wildey, Literacy Specialist
Margaret Cuttler, Mathematics
Brett Wiest, SLD Instruction
Mike Quarto, Social Studies
Steve Feldman, Social Studies
Patricia Dugger, Science

Patricia Haynes, Assistant Principal

Facts at a Glance...

For more information, contact the school at the number listed at the top of the page, or send a message to: William Rutherford, Director of Bands.

Go Back to: GHS Band Home Page.