Here it is!! Our list of links. Actually... YOUR list of links. Below is a free for all links list
meaning you can add a link to your own home page. Click here to ADD your link to this page.
All the links below are eligible to be voted as the recepient of AWARD OF ELEGANCE. E-mail us
if you think any of the links below should be awarded with the
People in cybercities are saying: This is the cutest and nicest award on the Web!
Don't forget to sign Our Guestbook before you leave.
Note To All Owners Of Those Listed In Our CREAM OF THE WEB:
YOUR SITE HAS BEEN CHOSEN to help you getting more hits and your homepage should be a showcase. It doesn't
have to be completely whiz-bang, but it should be updated at
least once a month. can go and visit those listed and come back here and tell us whether they deserve our AWARD.
Those who have sent their URLs recently, but were not listed, please resubmit your URL.
We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused.
An Advise To The Recepient of AWARD OF ELEGANCE:
In order for your site to be listed as THE CREAM OF THE WEB, appreciate the award given by pasting it according to the instructions. The Award shouldn't be put in any Trophy Case as to differentiate it from those got free from any site. Qualified judges have taken the trouble to evaluate your site and only those which meet our STANDARD OF QUALITY are invited to paste the AWARD on the FIRST page of their Home pages. Email us when you've done it!