What Is MIDI?

TODAY, any multimedia Windows system should have a MIDI synthesizer and MIDI ports. What is MIDI then? MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. This is an electronic language for computers and electronic musical instruments (e.g., keyboards and synthesizers), so they may communicate with a common standard. Most computers have a midi outport that can connect a computer to an external midi instrument. Moreover, a computer should have a soundcard and internal midi synthesizer installed in order to enable them playing back midi files.

Midi versus other sound formats. Midi is the only sound format that contains no actual sound samples. Microsoft .wav files, Sun au. files, Soundblaster snd. files, Roland .rol files, and other formats are real sound samples, and tend to be large files relative to the time duration of the sound, as compared to midi files. Music module files, such as .mod, .xm, .mtm., and .s3m, are actually a hybrid between the midi concept and sample formats. These contain performance information that refers to actual samples of sound that are used repeatedly in the playback of the file. These files are smaller than most .wav type formats, but larger than midi files.

MIDI files as the backround music in your home page

The Crescendo! plug-in for Netscape Navigator 2.0/3.0 and MS Internet Explorer 3.0 are now fully supported. If you don't have this maybe you might want to consider to download it first. Then at any page that you wish to insert midi files, the least you can do, put this tag

<embed src="*****.mid" AUTOSTART="true" VOLUME="50" WIDTH="195" HEIGHT="60" LOOP="TRUE">

where ***** represents the midi file name. It is easy and makes your page more interesting apart from all those boring wordings and gifs. Try now and pray hard!


Beat-It (Michael Jackson)
All The She Wants (Ace of Base)
Dont Turn Around (Ace of Base)
The Sign (Ace of Base)
Be Dancing
Can't Help (UB40)
James Bond
The Twilight Zone
Hawaii 50
Beverly Hills
Hey Jude (The Beatles)
Mission Impossible
Black Magic Women
I Started A Joke
Love Story
More midis shall be added from time to time.
Note to all Web surfers:
If you wish to download any of the midi files above, click it and wait until it plays, then simply click the FILE button of your browser and choose SAVE. It is all done! But please link this page back as an acknowledgement. Be honest and I'll give you more! This page address is: /Athens/7556/zulmidi.html

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