Our Shows

An Overview

If you visit one of our shows around the UK and Europe you will be transported to the Dark Ages, the time of the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans.
Our shows comprise of exciting combat displays and an authentic living history encampment. Add to that arena events, special effects and technical services to get the full Vikings! of Middle England event.

Living History

Living History displays, which Vikings! of Middle England are able to supply, can vary to fit your requirements. A small tented encampment of the roving war band or the fully reconstructed village consisting of the longhouse and other building.

We aim to make these displays breathe, as the Viking families and craftsmen go about their daily routines from cooking and weaving to blacksmithing and wood turning. Many of the craftsmen also produce goods for sale and this adds yet another dimension to the exhibits as the true feel of the Dark Age market permeates.

The public are invited to walk into the living history display and see the various activities and artefacts at first hand and also to meet members of the society, who are always happy to answer any questions.

Our extensive Living History displays are designed to give a careful blend of information and enjoyment to the attending public. An extensive selection of displays, crafts and stalls are available, each situated in a fully authentic setting and with members in costume on hand to demonstrate, inform and in some cases, assist and supervise as the public make their way around the camp. The displays currently available are outlined below but these are always being added to.

1. Chapel

In conjunction with our Scriptorium is our new Chapel where the resident priest will hear confessions, grant forgiveness and administer the local people in their Christian faith. Conversion to Christianity in Europe took many years but in this display we look at the problems and the successes of this unsettled time.

2. Armoury

The complete range of weapons of the Dark Ages is displayed for the public to examine in this popular tented area of the encampment. In addition to the weapons are other items of war gear including helmets and body armour which can be tried on for size. Close by is a small forge where basic weaponry is constructed and gives a more in-depth demonstration of how the weapons of the period were made. Education is provided on the different types of arrow, fletching and longbows of the period are also displayed.

3. Surgery

New for 1997, the surgery not only deals with battle wounds but the other ailments and medical problems of the Dark Ages, including teeth pulling, amputation, poultices and simple operations which are dealt with by the unsympathetic surgeon who also sidelines as the local butcher!

4. Calligraphy

Early writing forms are shown in this tented area and include illuminated letters in this popular display with an opportunity to purchase a personalised Saxon charter from the novices.

5. Jewellery Casting

This is a new item in our encampment with castings being demonstrated to the public. Items may be cast to order and bought by the public. Also a stock of jewellery pre-made will be available to purchase. This display focuses on the wealth of the period and the different artistic styles displayed by the Vikings and Saxons.

6. Coin Striking

The public are invited to strike their own coin for a small fee and coins are available for sale as a memento of their visit.

7. Archery and Javelin

The public have the chance to try archery and javelin throwing for themselves. A certificate is awarded for good scores.

8. Textile Production

This labourious process is shown in depth with the whole range of "tasks" performed for the public. From raw fleece to carding, spinning, plying, dyeing and weaving in two different styles, this display is focused on educating the audience.

9. Information Point

A break from the Dark Ages with an area where photos, posters and information sheets on the re-enactment and historical period can be obtained.

10. Inpromptu Scenes

These occur when and as required. They consist of dynamic acted scenarios designed to keep everyone on their toes! The public never know when the next occurrence will be and their anticipation adds to the excitement as the event plot unfolds throughout the day.

11. Chainmail-Making

A new item for 1998, chainmail comprised the best form of body armour for the period. Here it is constructed and demonstrated to best effect with the focus on education for the audience.

12. Stocks & Pillory

Yet another new item for 1998, a stocks and pillory will be set up in the encampment and the public encouraged to "punish" any wrongdoer there by throwing wet sponges in the traditional manner for a small fee.

Combat Displays

Vikings! of Middle England are probably most famous for their frighteningly realistic, exciting and entertaining battle displays, and these are usually used as a finale to a day's events. The thunderous clash of steel as opposing forces meet, war cries mingling with the screams of the dying, the visual effect is stunning!

All weaponry used by Vikings! of Middle England are steel replicas to museum standards, and the fighting routines, a carefully balanced mix of flamboyant and rehearsed combats and unscripted "free fights", where the warrior's gritty determination and extensive training in the use of the weapons of the Viking Age come to the fore.

Combat displays can be sized to suit your event. Quite often a small number of highly skilled, trained and rehearsed warriors can provide much higher quality entertainment and suit your event better than would vast numbers of amateur participants.


We use a wide variety of weaponry including:


Only warriors wore armour as it was beyond the means of peasants. Warriors wore padded leather jackets, chain mail, helms, and used wooden shields.

Arena Events

This year (1997) the following formed the centre piece of our shows:
  1. Viking Raiders!
    Two Vikings have been captured and are brought back to the Saxon village where gruesome events ensue. Following the death of the Vikings, the rest of the raiders arrive and prepare to exact revenge on the Saxons, who in turn fight to protect their homes.
  2. William the Conqueror and the Norman Conquest
    Following William's victory at Hastings, he is strengthening his defences around the country using forced Saxon labour. While inspecting his work, the Saxon Earl of Huntingdon arrives causing the Saxons to stand up for their rights.
Other events have included:

More specialised pieces can also be employed as entertainment for an evening event such as barbecue or reception:

Viking Funeral
As the sun sinks the Vikings prepare to send their dead Jarl to Valhöll. As a solemn torchlit procession winds its way to a high place, music appropriate to the scene drifts high on the wind. As the dead Jarl's armour and belongings are placed on his funeral pyre, a Viking Goði (priest) addresses his assembled followers and calls upon the Viking Gods. A beautiful slave girl, resigned to her fate is bloodily sacrificed to accompany her dead master on his final journey. Finally, the funeral pyre is lit by a shower of blazing arrows. A magnificent and atmospheric finale to a day's event.

Technical Services

We are pleased to be able to offer to our clients a range of back up technical services which can be put at the client's disposal for their own use during the event.
A pull P.A. sound system with cassette and CD decks and up to 300W power output (240V) is used to make full use of music and narration whilst we also provide our own equipment for layout out event arenas. We also carry a basic first aid kit and have trained first aiders in our ranks who may be called upon by our clients should the need arise as may our fire control equipment.
With an extensive experience in the entertainment field we can also offer a full package of "pre event" services including press releases to local radio, TV and newspapers, posters for the event and some of our members can be made available for PR work such as radio interviews, newspaper photo opportunities etc.

Special Effects

With a sharp focus on realism and the constant competition of film and TV effects we have found modern audiences can be very discerning. As such we are able to offer realistic effects during battle displays etc. which experience has proved to be hugely popular with crowds. We are, to our knowledge, the only Dark Age re-enactment society able to currently offer this.
Should this degree of realism be of concern to you, any pieces can be omitted at your request.

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