Tim Potter's Homepage
Chapter Four

The journey through lots more links continues...

Jezebel's Mirror...


The Mirror Project

How To Be Funny

Nose. It makes your eyes water just looking at it.

Nobody here, just me.

I Gave My Cat an Enema.

purportal.com: the bunk stops here

Paper toys.

It's enough to make you...

License Plates of the World

My collection of softdrink cans

The Toilet Museum

The Museum of Hoaxes

World Peace Day

An Anglophone's Resource on Paris, in English.

The Ultimate News Links Page, 3,700+ links to newspapers around the world.

What's New Too!

Some Creative Ways of Thinking About Bill Gates' Hoarded Wealth

The Web 100


Awesome Lists

The Archive of Useless Facts & Trivia

10-Best on the Web

Tommy's list of world wide cams

The No Clown Zone

The Adventures of Superman

The Bureau of Missing Socks

Harper's Index. Now, you thought you knew useless facts?

Internet Index. There is nothing about the Internet which is useless, but this list comes awfully close.

Urban Myths

Cursing in Swedish

A Word A Day I think it was from this page I learnt "frisbeetarianism": when you die, your soul goes up to the roof and stays there.

Ken White's Coin Flipping Page

Weekly Web Poll

Welcome to God's Home on the Web

Monkeys typing Shakespeare

NEW INTERNATIONALIST. The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for world development. Not everything on this page is wacky kooky zany -- NI happens to be an interesting magazine.

Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog of the Bill Murray movie fame. And there's his Canadian cousin, Wiarton Willie. I only put these links here so a) you have something to celebrate on February 2, and because b) I like the film so much.

The Smithsonian

increase & diffusion is a web magazine published by the Smithsonian Institution, which was founded in 1846 "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge." I've been there, and it's fantastic. This on-line magazine is intriguing.

News of the Weird

Go ahead and throw another W on the WWW. As in Weird. Welcome to News of the Weird


Like most other human beings, I sleep every night. But a truly fantastic sleep often eludes me. Hence I am intrigued by a site all about that third of my life I spend in bed. It's called The Sleep Well. And even more intriguing is the list of subject headings: what's new in sleep (I thought sleep had been around for the odd year or two), sleep activism (comatose but active?), professional sleep organisations (someone is a professional sleeper?!? ).

More sleep links:


Zane's Phunky Home Page. "My name is Zane Young, but you can call me Adikshun, Matt, Yuri, Princess Sweetcheeks, Aardvark, Levi, Yellow Head, The Introvert, Mr. X, Uninhibited, or just about anything else. I'm collecting names." And so on. This was was given to me one morning by a colleague who stumbled across another resident of Athens, Geocities and Adelaide, South Australia. And I found it strangely beguiling. And frustrating, and irritating.

So many links! So little time!


E-mail me and tell me what a wonderful experience visiting this page is!

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There is no reason why anyone would want a computer in their home

Ken Olsen, chairman, president & founder of DEC, 1977

© Australian Philosophical Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge 1999