Vincent's QuickQuote

Quotes of the Weeks

starting from 12 Aug 1996

I will trust while I wait
for my God is never late.
Be wary of greed:
He who dies with the most toys
is still dead!
It is when we forget ourselves
that we do things that are remembered.
Be more concerned
with your character
than your reputation,
because your character is
what you really are,
while your reputation is
merely what others think you are.
On the day you were born, you cried
and the world rejoiced.
Live your life in such a way
that when you die, the world cries
and you rejoice.
You can't do anything about
the length of your life but
you can do something about
its width and depth.
God wants spiritual fruit,
not religious nuts!
Success is ...
when I add value to myself
Significance is ...
when I add value to others.
Dear God,
I have a problem,
it's me.
When God is not
and we are God
- problem
When God is God
and we are not
- solution
A fine is a tax for doing wrong.
A tax is a fine for doing well!
God's Word
comforts the disturbed,
but also
disturbs the comfortable.
Expression deepens impression.
What you worship
what you become.
Religion is man searching for God;
CHRISTianity is GOD reaching down to man.
Love is not
just sentiment;
it's service.
When you pray,
make sure your will
is in neutral
so God can shift it.
Knowledge is the eye
that must direct
the foot of obedience.
Salvation is
moving from
living death
to deathless life.
Service is a gift of love
to people
given in gratitude
for God's gift of love
to you.
By a Carpenter mankind was made,
and only
by the Carpenter can mankind be remade.
It costs to follow Jesus Christ,
it costs more not to.
Man sees your actions,
but God sees your motives.
Before you speak, LISTEN.
Before you write, THINK.
Before you pray, FORGIVE.
Before you quit, TRY.
Do not have your concert first
and tune your instruments afterward.
Begin the day with God.
in the King's business
is no excuse
for neglecting the King.
Every man must do
his own growing,
no matter how tall
his parents are.
is the daring of the soul
to go farther
than it can see.
The other person's sins,
like the other car's headlights,
always seem more glaring
than our own.
is a language
everybody can read.
Worry is
wasting today's time
to clutter up
tomorrow's opportunities
with yesterday's troubles.
WHO is
the purpose of life?
Praise is
simply letting off
God does not
comfort us
to make us
but to make us
Experience is
what you get
when you were expecting
something else.
God still speaks
to those who
take the time
to listen.
One grain of faith
is more precious than
a pound of knowledge.
The true measure
of God's love
is that
He loves
without measure.
Prepare for the worst,
expect the best,
and gratefully receive
whatever God sends.
FAITH is as simple,
and as difficult as
believing that
GOD cares.
Prayer is
not so much submitting
our needs to God
but submitting ourselves
to Him.
Never be yoked
to one who refuses
the yoke of Christ.
Christianity is NOT a religion,
it's a relationship.
A righteous nation
is a nation that embraces
Christ' righteousness.
The poorest man
is he whose only wealth
is money.
there is nothing too small
to do well.
The Only Kingdom
that will prevail in this world
is the Kingdom
that is not of this world.
A humber talent that is used
is worth more than
one of a genius that is idle.
TWO Quick Ways to Disaster:
1. Take nobody's advice
2. Take everybody's advice
God's part
we cannot do;
our part
He will not do.
Only he who believes Jesus
is obedient;
Only he who is obedient
believes Jesus.
makes rich men poor,
while contentment
makes poor men rich.
Don't count sheep.
Do talk to the Shepherd.
- Jesus -
We make our choices,
and then
our choices turn around
and make us.
[Hence choose wisely.]
How happy a person is
depends upon
the depth of
his gratitude.
The best exercise
for strengthening the heart
is reaching out
and lifting people up.
GOD is Love!
Jesus Christ is
God's perfect provision
for imperfect people.
When we see God's hand
in all events,
then we shall see all events
in God's hand.
God often visits us,
but most of the time
we are not at home.
Christ became
what we are
that He might make us
what He is.
is a virtue
that carries
a lot of
Never be afraid
to trust
an unknown future
a known God.
Prayer is
committing a need
you cannot supply;
to God
who can supply
all you need.
is not
thinking less of yourself;
thinking of yourself less.
Little is much
when God is
in it.
God wants us -
to be victors, not victims
to grow, not grovel
to soar, not sink
to overcome, not to be overwhelmed.
We don't change God's message -
His message changes us.
Give God what's right;
not what's left.
Exercise daily -
walk with God !
Exposure to the Son
may prevent
burning !
He who kneels
before God
can stand
before any man.
Man's way leads to
a hopeless end;
God's way leads to
an endless hope.
People are more impressed
by the depth
of your conviction
rather than
the height of your logic.
is a language
even the blind can see,
and the deaf can hear.
is the only thing
that can be divided,
without being diminished.
gave you a face
you have to provide the expression.
What you are
is God's gift
to you.
What you become
is your gift
to God.

Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

Count your health instead of your wealth;
Love your neighbor as much as yourself.

Earthly life is the dressing;
Eternal Life is the Blessing!

We teach
what we know,
but we reproduce
what we are.
Children are like wet cement,
everything that lands on them
leaves an impression.

Always keep your words
soft and sweet,
just in case
you have to eat them.
Most of what we do
should be
rather than
Mental Floss
Moral Decay
We lose
the approval of God
when we seek
the applause of men.
My Son is no longer a Baby.
He was born to die for YOU.
Trust HIM.

Have a blessed CHRISTmas!
-- God --

A good teacher
not only
knows the Way
shows the way.
is the measure
of the distance
is the door
through which we pass
is not a matter of
but a matter of
loves every one of us
as if there were but
one of us to love.
seem thick
is thin.
When a train goes through a tunnel
and it gets dark,
you don't throw away the ticket
and jump off.

You sit still
and trust the engineer.

It is the same with our lives
and God.

is the key difference
between a person
who is bitter
or better.

Get rid of all bitterness!

is the memory
of your
It isn't the load
that weighs you down.
It's the way
you carry it.
Shortcuts never pay off
in the long run.
If you can't sleep,
don't count sheep.
Talk to the Shepherd.
The best exercise is
to reach down and
lift someone up.
If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain.
If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees.
If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people.
To all educators and parents:

We teach what we know,
but we reproduce what we are.

Character is like a tree
and reputation like its shadow.
The shadow is what we think of it;
the tree is the real thing.
is the first chapter
of the book of
How far you go in life depends on your being
tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving
and tolerant of the weak and strong.
Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
To teach
to learn twice.
All humanity
is divided into three classes:
  1. those who are immovable,
  2. those who are movable, and
  3. those who move!

The best index
to a person's character
is how he treats people :
who can't do him any good,
and who can't fight back.
Love people.
Use things.

Don't love things and use people.

Invest your life
in what pays
Eternal Dividends

Fear less, hope more
whine less, breathe more
talk less, say more
hate less, love more
and all good things are yours
Learning is finding out
what you already know.
Doing is demonstrating
that you know it.
Teaching is reminding others
that they know it
just as well as you.
We are
all learners,

To carry a grudge
is like being stung to death
by one bee.
Therefore, be quick to forgive.

Anger is one letter short of Danger.
Therefore, be quick to listen,
slow to speak and,
slow to be angry.

Image is what people think we are.
Integrity is what we really are.

Great minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Shallow minds discuss people

recognises persons as they now are.

celebrates what they may yet become
with God's help.

"I have four things to learn in life:
To think clearly without hurry or confusion;
To love everybody sincerely;
To act in everything with the highest motives;
To trust in God unhesitatingly."

When man listens,God speaks.
When man obeys,God acts.
When man prays, God empowers.

Corrie Ten Boom

Faith means believing
in advance
what will only make sense
in reverse.

Born once die twice, Born twice die once.

When you throw dirt at people,
you're not doing a thing but losing ground.

Mean what you say,
but NEVER BE MEAN in what you say.

If you change the question,
you will change the answer.

Ask once
and you will be
embarassed once.
Don't ask,
and you'll be
embarassed for life.

Faced with the choice
between changing one's mind
and proving that
there is no need to do so,
almost everyone
gets busy on the proof.

Take time to think where you're going,
or you may not like where you end up.

is the enemy of
Keep things simple.





We usually see only the things we are looking for-
so much so that we sometimes see them where they are not.

There is no greater loan
than a sympathetic ear.

If you want your marriage to sizzle
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it;
Whenever you're right, shut up!

zoom out on the weakness

ZOOM IN on the strength

If you wait until you can
do everything for everybody,
instead of something for somebody,
you'll end up not doing anything for anybody.

Let those who dare to teach never cease to learn !

In prosperity, our friends know us;
in adversity, we know our friends

You can never get ahead by getting even

When everything is a priority,
nothing is a priority.

We don't need more to be thankful;
we only need to be more thankful.
No body is a nobody.
Don't mistake anonymous for unnecessary.

Patience is the ability to put up with people you'd like to put down.

Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken.
If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal.
Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements.
Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness.
But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless- it will change.
It will not be broken;
it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable
To love is to be vulnerable.

- C.S. Lewis

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