Hi! I'm Tiffany Rose. My friends call me Tiff. I would be happy to have you as one of my friends. Since I plan on sharing some personal information with you, that seems only fair. I am married to a terrific guy and have four wonderful children. From time to time you may see things that they have written here. I am proud of them, after all!
I spend a lot of my time writing all sorts of things. If it isn't a shopping list , it is a story for someone or something. Writing has always been a big part of my life.
I do other things, too. I love to paint using acrylics, water colors and oils. It depends on the medium that I am working in as to what I choose to paint on. Decisions, decisions. I suppose my favorite things to paint are flowers and seascapes.
We live on the coast of South Carolina, so finding a beautiful 'seascape' isn't that difficult. We managed to miss the brunt of the hurricanes that came our way this year. We feel very lucky. We were here for 'HUGO' . That was enough for a lifetime!
I sold my first story when I was in the fifth grade. One of my friends wanted a romantic (as much as we knew about romance) story about the handsome prince that would come and carry her away. She gave me five whole dollars. I must admit that when my parents and her parents found out, I was made to return the money to my friend. This twarted my budding career for quite a few years!
During my high school and college career, I majored in English and Commercial Art. Both have served me well. I have painted professionally for years in spurts. My friends and family end up with most of my work on their walls! I know, the holiday's are coming! In 1984 I had my first two poems published by Edie Cole in the book, The World's Most Beloved Poems. I won the Golden Poet Award that was presented by the Poetry Guild that year.
I still dabble in poetry, but now I focus more on Romantic Novels and Short Stories. I am currently working on Secret Lives. It is my hope that it will be published in the next year or so. These things take time, ya know.
I hope that you will enjoy my home page and what it has to offer. I also hope that you will want to take part in it. I would love to have you submit items to be read in any of the sections. We all have to start somewhere! Why not make it here!