Distribution of Kung Bible
The next question then arose. This was how to bring the Bible as speedily and efficiently possible to all these people for whom it is meant, especially seen in the light of the fact that they have not yet developed a reading culture. A number of schools do exist where Bushman children learn to read and write. But a large percentage is still totally illiterate, and those who can read their own language are even fewer in numbers. At present there are no complete curricula and text books for the teaching of their mother tongue. Very few teachers know the language.
A draft copy of the Gospel of Luke was printed, but the demand and use was very disappointing. Eventually another solution was found, the Bible on cassette! This links up closely with their oral tradition.
On the farms most Bushman families possess a radio-tape cassette, with which they can listen to the audio tapes.
The old tradition of sitting around the fire and listening to
someone telling a story, has gained a new meaning. Now
everybody can listen to the Bible on cassette.
The taping of the Bible was estimated to take approximately three years, and in the end consists of 98 cassettes of 90 minutes each.
The process was a slow and arduous one, as brother Sisawa Abuse, a Bushman who was very involved in the translation process, is the reader. Before the actual reading could take place, he first often had to study and practise a sentence, before reading it on to the tape.
This was an expensive process, as expenditure includes salaries, the cost of the cassettes and administrative expenses.
By the Grace of God, brother Sisawa and Rev. van der Westhuizen could complete this monumental task in December 1999. Unfortunately, Rev. van der Westhuizen passed away unexpectedly in January 2000. Yet we praise God that He allowed His servant to finish the task he undertook before calling him back to Him.
The ideal remains to also print the Bible in book form.
This project can only be completed through the prayers, the promulgation and also through the financial support of all christians who already have a Bible in their own language and who would therefore want to help the Bushmen also to have their own Bible.
This is but one way in which we can carry out our big instruction: Make disciples of all the nations! The Bushmen who have already become christians, should have the Bible in their own language to read and hear the Word of God to do everything He has instructed us to do.
Should you wish to support this project any queries can be sent to the following address:
The Kung Bushman Bible
P.O. Box 9764
or e-mail us at matthaei@mweb.com.na
Donations can be made to the following account:
Kung Bushman Bible
Bank Windhoek
Main Branch
Code: 48-19-72-00
Index page | Language and Culture | Mission and Translation | Distribution
E-mail us with any questions you might have concerning the project.