About Me

My name is Ian Fairman. I live in Bury St Edmunds in the UK. I worked at BT from 1993 to 1999 as a researcher at their labs looking at issues to do with the Internet (Java, XML, middleware, components). Now I work in Cambridge for Accelrys, initially as a systems engineer and architect (Java, CORBA, EJB, XML, Servlets/JSP, UML) but now as a project manager.

For most of my childhood I lived in Folkestone in Kent in the UK. I first went to Mundella County Primary (1974-80)and then to the Harvey Grammar School (1980-87). After that I did a degree in Physics at the Southampton University (1987-90) and a Masters in Computer Science at the University of Kent at Canterbury (1992-93). Between my degrees I worked as a Cobol and RPG programmer for Orion Insurance in Folkestone which was taken over by GRE and then AXA. It was after my Masters that I bit the bullet and moved out of Kent to work for BT in Ipswich.

As a bit of a braindump I am maintaining a list of stuff I like and stuff I don't like, in case you feel like psychoanalysing me.

I once did some firewalking and have photographic evidence.

Copyright Ian Fairman 1999-2001 - ifairman@yahoo.com