
New episodes filmed in the
Chateauguay Valley
Quebec, Canada

Last updated: November 23, 1997

"LASSIE" - In the Chateauguay Valley

The infamous television program, Lassie, is preparing to come back to the television screen with a new series. This new edition of "Lassie" is currently being filmed in the Province of Quebec. For the most part, it is taking place in the Chateauguay Valley. The farm for this new edition is located in Riverfield, Quebec and the school being used for this series is Howick Elementary School in Howick, Quebec. Children from the local area are very excited about this re-make of "Lassie" since many are having the opportunity of a lifetime to be part of this production as extras in episodes that are shot on location at their school .

"LASSIE" - Comes to School

Howick Elementary School, an Elementary School within the Chateauguay Valley School Board is located in one of our rural communities, Hosick, south-west of Montreal. The school located within the farming area and in close proximity to the farm that was purchased for the shooting of Lassie has become a community focal point as the set for shooting episodes that involve Lassie coming to the school.

While this has brought excitement to the community, it has also stimulated a 'special' spirit within the school and with the children who have been able to experience first-hand the aspect of film-making.

1997, A New Year

As the shooting of additional episodes commence, again, Howick Elementary School has been hosting an intensive 'shoot' during the month of November, 1997. The main 'shoot' was coordinated with field-trips that entailed the whole school being off visiting educational sites and followed by the annual Teachers' Convention. This allowed for a three day stint, followed by a weekend, for an intesive period to allow the camera crews to set-up and utilize the school and the school's facilities.

The "LASSIE" Homepage

In the meantime, you may find it interesting to review the Life of "Lassie" and related information found at the "Lassie Home Page".

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