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What is Homeschooling?

How to Start Homeschooling

The Internet & Homeschooling

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Montessori Education

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SAT & Other Testing


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Lessons & Ideas for K'nex, Legos, Lego Mindstorms, & Capsela

Online Schools & Courses

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Software Support

Educational Software Companies on the Internet

Places to Download Shareware, Freeware, & Demos

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Places to Purchase Curriculum

Freebies & Cost Cutting Ideas

Software Catalogs & Low-Priced Vendors

Stores & Services That Offer a Discount to Homeschoolers

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Vendors & Suppliers A - M

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Awards This Site Has Won updated 5/20/00

What is Homeschooling?

There are several ways to find homeschool support on the web. But first for newbies & the curious, what exactly is homeschooling?
Homeschooling means to educate your children at home rather then in public or private school. It exists in a myriad of ways:

Unschooling or child-led education is when you follow your children's natural interests & curiosities to educate them.

School at home is when you purchase the textbooks for all subjects & follow much the same ideology put in practice in traditional school.

Another approach that is gaining in popularity called the Classical Approach or Trivium. This approach goes back to the old ways of teaching, concentrating on the basics, classic languages such as Latin & Greek, & higher order thinking skills.

The Montessori Method is named after its founder, Maria Montessori. This method is very natural & uses a lot of manipulatives.

Unit studies are a way of integrating most, if not all subjects under a single topic of study. For example, if you were studying Ancient Greece, you would cover the history of ancient Greece, the science of the time period, practice writing skills through reports, short stories, etc. based on what you have learned, & you may practice reading by reading the mythology of the times.

Many people also use a mixture of the above or sign up with a satellite school which can perform different tasks or help you with different tasks for your homeschool, such as designing a curriculum, having the security of a teacher you can communicate with, writing transcripts, etc.

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