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Educational Software Companies on the Internet

The following are links to educational software manufacturers. Most, if not all, offer demos of their programs, technical support in either the form of FAQ's and/or e-mail. You can learn of internet-only offers & specials. Some even offer interactive games & activities for the kids!

The PEP (Parents, Educators & Publishers) Registry of Educational Software Publishers is a huge database listing of educational publishers. If you don't see a publisher on my page, you will almost definitely find it on theirs!

ABA Materials is a company that produce CD-ROMs with thousands of color images that parents can print cheaply as flash cards to teach speech, language and communication to kids with learning disabilities such as Autism/PDD etc.

Able Plus Systems has created a program called Study Star. It helps you organize your notes, homework, reports, etc. & can use your notes to create self-tests. It even keeps track of how much time is spent using the program, which can be a real help if your state asks you to keep track of time spent on task or if you are designing transcripts for you high schooler & are trying to convert time spent into credits!

Accurate Research Incorporated is the home of the Super Tutor series. Titles include Middle School Math, High School Math, English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physicswith more titles in the work.

Alarice Multimedia specializes in reading software to improve memory & comprehension skills.

Alive Software offers educational titles for learning about the food chain. Current titles are Animal Quest & Dinosaur Predators. They also offer a concentration game, jigsaw puzzle, & Magic Crayon.

Baggetta_Ware Teacher Tech specializes in interactive reading and writing software. "We believe in the power of individualized education and are developing unique computer software that will help the slower students focus on reading and the faster students to absorb literary concepts and genres faster. Our specially 'brewed' software addresses many of the concepts behind home schooling like regular reinforcement of academic lessons, instant child-to-parent feedback since the lessons give immediate feedback, allow for personalized curriculum, incorporate curriculum into other aspects of life, economy of time, and greater flexibility." Included on the website are free sample software, lesson plans, tutorials, and lots of ideas.

Barnum Software is the company that puts out the acclaimed Quarter Mile Math.

Broderbund is best known for the Carmen series and Print Shop has some downloads available, including extra graphics for Print Shop!

Celeration Technologies has a program called Think Fast, which is designed to build fluency in facts & terms. There are demos available for DOS & Windows here.

Comp Ed, Inc. specializes in educational software for ages 5 - 10. They have programs for math, phonics, early learning, language arts, science, reading, social studies, geography.

Compu-Teach puts out several educational titles & includes downloadable demos of each program.

Davidson, the maker of the Blaster series, Spell-It, & Word Attack, has an area where you can download a few goodies. They have merged with Knowledge Adventure.

Discovery Channel Multimedia is where you can find info on software & other Discovery Channel products.

DK Multimedia aka Dorling Kindersley, are the producers of such programs as The Way Things Work & the Eyewitness series.

Edmark is the company that puts out the Imagination Express series, Millie's Math House, Bailey's Book House, & more. They have started a math club to go with their new Mighty Math series, but you do not need any of the series to enjoy the free math activities posted there which will be updated monthly. For an extra fee, you can also get the teacher's worksheets for each program they carry. Just e-mail them for more info on that!

Education By Design offers software that covers math, English skills, & science.

Esposoft offers The Homeschool Planner and Portfolio. It is designed to organize all your homeschool records and provide you with a complete portfolio. There are added features such as a Journal, Calendar, To Do List and more. You can also see screen shots to get an idea of how good the program is as well as ordering information.

Evee Jeebeez has a collection of clip art you can use for your homeschool.

Franwell Corporation created The Homeschooler's Companion, a program for a program for organizing, planning, tracking, & documenting your homeschool. A 60 day version of it is downloadable here.

Enchanted Learning Software offers programs for kids 2 - 6 years old.

GreatGrads.com offers a complete software solution to homeschooling. You can order cd's to cover every subject fro 1 - 12th grade. They also have a testing feature integrated into them for placement & to track how the child is progressing.

Harmonic Vision specializes in software that teaches about music. There is a demo of their program, Music Ace, that you can download.

Headbone Interactive has lots of activities for the kids. They offer a free sampler CD, some on-line demos & more!

Help Me 2 Learn offers a selection of educational software as well as free printable worksheets and activities for parents and teachers to do with their children.

HomeSchool Solutions offers a program to help you organize & track your records. There is a 30 day trail version available on the website.

Humongous is best known for Putt Putt & Freddi Fish software. They have demos, worksheets you can print out, & more online!

IEP Math specializes in math software for the PC & Mac. Current titles include Nothin' but the Fractions I, Nothin' but the Facts: Arithmetic Review, & Nothin but the Facts: Pre-Algebra Skills v2.0. There are demos you can download at this site.

Inspired Idea developes, publishes, and retail innovative, Christ-centered learning products including software, multimedia curriculum, and products for those with learning disabilities. Included titles are Scripture Solitaire, Unblocked! (software & workbook for disgraphia), Switched-On Schoolhouse, Color Phonics, Bible Games, & Pre-School software titles.

JJMdesignsoffers Pencil Pete's Handwriting Programs, which use computer animation to demonstrate how letters are formed in both print & cursive.

Knightlite Software currently offers three programs you can use in your homeschool: Ahsha Spells (it talks!), Ahsha Reads, & Knightlite TestMaker, which will read back any text document in Windows for you.

Knowledge Adventure is best known for their educational titles such as the Jumpstart series. There is also an online area here for the kids which includes an encyclopedia & educational activities from their software.

Larken Software Inc. has programs to teach preschooler's their letters & numbers. There are demos available for downloading here.

Larson's Leapfrog Math has two levels of software K-2 & 3-6.

The Learning Company is best known for their Reader Rabbit series, but have many titles for math & Language Arts. Softkey International, the makers of Bodyworks & more, is here also. Make sure you check out the Kidsoft area of the catalog for some great deals!

LeeWare Developement specializes in English grammar software for Windows. They have shareware versions that you can download.

Lucas Learning is the newest branch of Lucas Arts. They are planning on introducing learning software using the Star Wars theme. Their current offering, Droidworks, teaches scientific principles while you build your own droids & send them out on missions. ***UPDATE - There are now 5 titles in the series. You can find teachers not to each of them on the site!

Mathematics Worksheet Factory allows you to design & print out math worksheets.

MathFactsNow specializes in math drill software at a very reasonable price.

MathGen is a program that allows you to create math worksheets you can print out for grades k - 6.

Merit Software offers affordable software covering various math & language arts skills.

Mindplay has software titles for both the Mac & Windows that cover reading & math. They have several demos online for download.

Microsoft Kids is where you can find demos of the Magic School Bus series, 3D Movie Maker series, Creative Writer & Fine Artist. For information on programs not included on Microsoft Kid's area, check out the Microsoft Products page.

Nordic Software produces educational & biblically based software.

ProSara Software offers a program for designing transcripts & a diploma writing program.

The Reading Lesson specializes in software that teaches 3 - 7 year olds to read.

The Rosetta Stone specializes in foreign language software. Titles include Spanish, French, German, Russian, English, Dutch, Italian, & Chinese. There are demos available for both the Mac & the PC.

Sawmill Software produces Math Buddy, a k-6th grade math program covering the four basic operations. It allows you to have the student work on the computer or you can print out worksheets. They are also working on a program that teaches students how to read a ruller & work with fractions.

S&S Software specializes in educational software for children & adults. They presently have only math programs & you can download both Mac & Win95 demos.

Science Education Software - K-12/Homeschool Page offers educational Mac & Win 95 programs as well as homeschooling links & educational reference links.

Schoolhouse Technologies (formerly Worksheetfactory.com) offers programs for creating math, word search, & vocabulary worksheets. All have free trial versions available for download at this site & the Word Search Factory is totally free!

Sheppard Software offers programs that teach math vocabulary, science, & history. You can download shareware versions of some of the programs from this page.

Sierra is probably best known for its King's Quest series, but they offer many educational programs, too! Besides King's Quest, our family favorites include the Eqoquest series, Pepper's Adventures in Time, The Dr. Brain series, & The Incredible Machine series.

Soleil is best known for their Zurk series. All programs come in several languages & teach science, geography, & more.

Startwrite is a program that allows you to make handwriting worksheets for your children to practice on.

Sunburst produces educational software.

Symynet specializes in software & books that teaches statistical analysis and experimental design & is aimed at advanced high school level students.

Thomas S. Klise Company offers educational software.

Tom Snyder Productions has software that is aimed mostly at school districts. There are demos you can download here.

TranslationExperts specializes in software that translates web pages, documents, e-mails, & more into English or into another language!

If you have any questions, comments, or anything you would like to add, please feel free to e-mail me!


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