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Poems by Pegasus

pink grapevine
Life is a comedy for those who think,
but a tragedy for those who feel.

For me, writing poems is a lot like I imagine a chicken feels when trying to lay an egg; it is an event that takes place with a lot of squawking and fussing. Sometimes it happens quickly and easily, other times it is painful and time-consuming. But in the end, the images and ideas running through my head must come out in one form or another.

Although I have written many poems over the years, there are very few I find worthy of public scrutiny. Some of my poems are too private to be shared in this kind of forum; others are simply too nebulous to be posted yet. Following are some samples of my poetry. You can also take a look at some of my favorite poems by other people if you are curious about who may have influenced my writing style, consciously or not.

Serious Poetry

Cold Spring Day The Death of Romance Echoes
Farewell Gethsemane II Magnolia Meditation
Three Little Angels Vow Writing, the Morning After

Humorous Poetry

The Great Cookie Debate A Modern Love Poem Moonless Night
Home on the Web (a song) An I-sland Song Palin's Theme

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pink grapevine