This has long been the site for my
web site under my various chat names... first as Male Organizer, then as MaleO,
Neighbour Wilson, most recently as QuasiKiwi, and a few other things. If
you don’t recall any of those names, I’m frankly a bit surprised that you’re
even here, but that’s your business, and you’re not the less welcome because
of it. Click to go to what
had been, and normally would be, the opening page on my site. If you do
recall me under those names, then you’ve probably been around, and perhaps
you even were around on the 6AM-10AM (GMT) shift on the old GeoCities
Community Chat—back when there was one, back when GeoCities used
the old Magmacom-style HTML chat
software. In any event, unless someone else has, wittingly or unwittingly,
picked up one of my old chat handles, you’ll notice that I’m no longer
in chat. I’ve largely moved my life offline. This was not in the beginning
exactly my idea, though I can’t exactly say that anyone forced my hand.
The magic is gone for me. I’ve already said a thing or two along this line
in the page to which the “Chat” link on my main
page leads you, and I’ve no great desire to restate that stuff here. I
guess I only wanted to say that I probably won’t be in chat any
more. I also won’t be found on ICQ any more, though on rare occasion I
may check it. I won’t abolish my hotmail account, either, so if you know
my hotmail address, I will, once every other blue moon, check that. Other
than that... I wish you well, and I thank GeoCities for their gracious
hosting of my site (which I may yet tinker with from time to time).
Those who know me I.R.L., if you plan to contact me—kindly do it via the
hotmail account... only.