OPHIUCHUS - The 13th Sign of the Zodiac

Ophiuchus - The new sign of the Zodiac has been around for over a millenium. It's a water sign like Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Ophiuchus' ruling planets are Pluto and Jupiter. The sun is in this sign from the 30th of November until the 17th of December although different sources say that the dates of Ophiuchus lasts only 9 days, from the 9th of Decemeber to the 17th of December. Those who fall under the sign of Ophiuchus are traditionally Sagittarians.

Ophiuchus is the Medic. This means that an Ophiuchian person is helpful, comforting and motherly. The negative side of Ophiuchus is the Serpent. This side is unfeeling and cold and has a detatchment from their feelings. The Ophiuchian (Medic and Serpent) is a giving individaul who shares their knowledge and gives freely of themselves for the benefit of others. The Ophiuchan is a comforting person which is what draws people to them.

Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, is symbolized by a serpent coiled around a tree.


Although astrology and astronomy began as a single science, they've since diverged considerably. Astrology has neglected to take into account a number of "details" about the universe as they've been discovered. One of the more obvious is the precession of the equinox. This means that the dates for the "sun-signs" usually given by astrologers are believed to be wrong. The 13 "new" zodiacal sun-signs, with the dates and number of days the sun is actually in them, are currently:

Aquarius: Water Carrier (22 days) February 16 to March 11
Pisces: The Fishes (38 days) March 12 to April 18
Aries: The Ram (25 days) April 19 to May 13
Taurus: The Bull (44 days) May 14 to June 19
Gemini: The Twins (28 days) June 20 to July 20
Cancer: The Crab (20 days) July 21 to August 9
Leo: The Lion (36 days) August 10 to September 15
Virgo: The Virgin (43 days) September 16 to October 30
Libra: The Scales (21 days) October 31 to November 22
Scorpio: The Scorpion (6 days) November 23 to November 29
Ophiuchus: The Physician November 30 to December 17
Sagittarius: The Archer (38 days) December 18 to January 18
Capricorn: The Goat (27 days) January 19 to February 15

The table above lists the dates when the sun is in the real astronomical constellations of the zodiac. The dates fluctuate by a day from year to year.