
Tao Te Ching (Richard Wilhelm translation, 1910)
The Tao Te Ching has been translated more often than any other book, except the Bible. It is about the harmony and flow of Life, and the necessity for affinity to it. I will never finish re-reading this book.

I Ching or Book Of Changes (Wilhelm translation, with forward by C. G. Jung)
The origins for this book of wisdom and oracles go back to the fourth millennium B.C.

The Tao Of Physics (Fritjof Capra)
This is the book that sparked my interest in Eastern traditions. It also allowed me to approach physics from a different point of view - one not of limits, but of possibilities.

Tao, The Watercourse Way (Alan Watts)
His last offering, and it's Watts at his best - lyrical, as well as lucid. Chungliang Al Huang collaborated with Alan on this.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections (C. G. Jung)

The Hollow Men (T. S. Eliot)This is the way the world ends...
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock &
The Waste Land

The Hero With A Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)
I call Joseph Campbell 'My Favorite Human Being', and this is one of my favorite books. Many, including myself, cite it as Campbell's best.

The Outsider(Colin Wilson)
Wilson's first book - I definately recommend this one!

The Philosopher's Stone(Colin Wilson)
One of the few books to actually scare me. Jeez! It even scared my dog!

And a few more of my favorite books...

The Collected Works Of C. G. Jung (Princeton/Bollingen)
The Masks Of God (Joseph Campbell)
The Mythic Image (Campbell)
The Power Of Myth (Campbell)
The Self Aware Universe (Amit Goswami)
The Secret Of The Golden Flower (Wilhelm, with commentary by Jung)
The Secret Oral Teachings In Tibetan Buddhist Sects (Alexandria David-Neel)
Walden (H. D. Thoreau)
The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield)
Dark Nature (Lyall Watson)
The Rebirth Of Nature (Rupert Sheldrake)



Just A Thought


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