What do I like?

I enjoy reading a great deal. It is my main hobby. My eclectic taste in reading include history, philosophy, politics, biography, science fiction and fantasy books. The real and the make-believe. 

I'm a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms , Specifically the Kingdom of Caid. (More on this elsewhere.)

I enjoy music and I like to sing, specifically madrigals, folk, and filk.

I was an avid war gamer and role player. I enjoyed playing several different games including Rolemaster, Amber Diceless, Stalking the Night Fantastic, WRG, Warhammer, Ogre Miniatures , Cyberpunk and Warlock. For the last few years my main game interest has been 15mm American Civil War using the Fire and Fury Rules.  However, Hemet is light on gamers so i have been unable to indulge in this hobby.

I enjoy camping and hiking. I was a Boy Scout for a decade rising to the rank of Star scout. I was more interested in the camping than the award-getting so I never did make it to Eagle. I became a Wilderness Survival Instructor and master camper though!

I like Dr. Pepper, polska kilbasa, home-brewed stout, onions and bell peppers, garlic, Kentucky sour mash whiskey, Tabasco, salsa and very spicy mustards. I like Mexican food and Sushi, although not at the same time.

My favorite place to eat is Clearman's Galley " The Boat" at Rosemead blvd. and Huntington Drive.  Sadly, it was recently torn down to make way for yet another friggin Kohls Department store.  They say they are going to rebuild it on a nearby site but I will believe it when I see it. 

I like REALLY hot food! Tabasco is mainstay of my diet. Jalapeņos add flavor, Habaneros add bite! I am a chili-head of the first order. Remember, milk is better than water for cooling off an over-heated salsa! Speaking of salsa, I have a few recipes if you are interested.

I am devoted Dodger fan.  Really. 

OK! OK! I admit it! I like CATS! I hate DOGS! Do you want to hear about my cats?

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