What's New?

Here are the newest additions to Reber's Resources. I'll keep the sites here for about 2 months or so before switching them over to the categories found on the main page. If you have any suggestions for additional sites, please send them to me. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Christmas Time at Kids' Domain Puzzles, games, downloads, and lots of holiday crafts. Check out the puzzle piece ornament-cute and easy.

Crafts for Kids Tons of craft ideas that will get you through the holiday season and beyond.

Teaching is a Work of Heart-Winter Themes Looking for ideas to do this winter? A great collection can be found here.

Alphabet Soup Lesson ideas for every letter of the alphabet. Also has seasonal activities.

Library of Graphic Organizers Brought to you from the Curry School of Education at UVA.

Graphic Organizers An outstanding site for graphic organizer explanations and ideas.

Educate the Children From the UK, this site is a comprehensive resource for teachers and parents of 5-11 year olds.

Kids' Crafts Growing collection of craft ideas.

Squigly's Playhouse for Kids Interactive games, puzzles, craft ideas, etc...

From Trash to Treasures Craft Ideas The name says it all...

Club Yucky More crafts and recipes with a "yucky" flair.

Room Mom Heaven Not just for moms. Party ideas, food, favors, and lots more.

Field Trip Trail Heads Go on a virtual field trip-Explore deserts, volcanoes, and sharks, to name a few.

Going Batty From the creater of the Kinder Korner website. Activities for teaching a unit on bat and a listing of related books.

Whale Thematic Unit Designed for K-3 students.

Collaborative Thematic Unit: Mammals :Looking for new ideas for teaching about mammals? Try this site.

Oceans This unit can be adapted for students in grades K-5

Nasa's Observatorium Great resource when studying about space-Games, images, and much more.

Butterflies, On the Wings of Freedom A ThinkQuest project devoted to butterflies.

Nature: Puzzles and Fun Learn to do sign language with Koko the Gorilla. Complete an animal scramble. Nice site from PBS.

Map Stats State amd county statistic information from the Census Bureau.

Lost This lesson plan by Susan Nixon focuses on the five themes of geography.

Journey into History: Voyage on the Mayflower. This site from Scholastic is a must-visit. See what life on the Mayflower was like.

Nine Men's Morris Game Learn how to play this early America game.

Colonial Life Thematic Unit Geared for third graders, this unit focuses on the 13 colonies and colonial life.

How To Make a Whirligig Learn how to create this popular toy from the 18th century.

Colonial America and Children's Literature Great resource from Carol Hurst.

Field Trip to Yesterday: Plimoth Plantation This site focuses on riddle writing, a popular colonial activity.

Project Willow Learn about environmental science through the perspective of the Washoe Indians.

Collaborative Unit: Native Americans Geared towards primary students. Learn about various tribes, legends, and arts and crafts.

Marilee's Native American Links Extensive resource. Includes clip art.

NIAC Kids Corner From the Nipmuc Indian Assoication of Connecticut. Games and information.

The First Americans Excellent site written at a third grade level. Great graphics. A must-visit.

TrackStar: Literature Circles Several links for information on literature circles.

LiteratureCircles.com "Dedicated to helping teachers, administrators, parents, and students to use and enjoy literature circles."

Introduction to Literature Circles Good overview on lit. circles.

Literature Circles for Young Students Excellent site for learning about various lit. circle roles.

Chapter Books Lesson plan for using a chapter book with the entire class.

Story Matrix Use this technique to organize and classify information about a book or novel.

Story Chains Upper-grade activity for sequencing and retelling stories. Adaptable for lower grades.

Story Wheels Another excellent activity from The Teacher's Desk website.

Tomie dePaola Unit Check out this unit based on this popular author's books.

Not Another Inservice This is a must-visit site!!! Balanced lit., guided reading, word walls...It's all here!

Paragraph a Week Program "Designed to give your fifth- and sixth-graders practice with writing various types of paragraphs."

Theme Poems Check out this great resource for poems in a wide variety of themes.

Homespun Christmas Grandma George's awesome collection of Christmas clipart.

Debbie's Unit Factory Check out the sample units.

CanTeach-Resources for Educators Large listing of lessons and resources.

Thematic Units for Primary Grades Anicent Egypt, Colonial America, and Transportation plus many more.

Action Plans for Using LIterature in the Classroom Several units that tie literature into other subject areas.

Mr. R.'s Math Stories Interactive story problems for third to fifth graders.

Math-o-Magic Another interactive site. Students can solve a variety of math problems.

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