Dr. Faustus

Propping Up the Mythos
Cthulhu's tentacle.

Welcome to Propping Up the Mythos, a collection of hints and techniques for creating objects from the Cthulhu Mythos. Whether they are for Keepers to use as props in Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu or Cthulhu Live roleplaying games, or simply for the personal enjoyment of Lovecraft fans, these directions should help anyone who is interested to jump right in. I encourage you to experiment and find what works best for you. Not sure what the Cthulhu Mythos is? Please go here to learn more about it.

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Here are the contents of this website:

(click on the image of Dr. Faustus in the upper left-hand corner to return to this page at any time)

    Elder SignMaking a Mythos Tome A step-by-step illustrated guide to making Mythos books.UPDATED! --Oct. 22

    Elder SignMaking an Alien Statue A step-by-step illustrated guide to making statues of Cthulhu, Zoth-Ommog or which ever Great Old One strikes your fancy.

    Elder SignBottling a Deep One A guide to making a Deep One in a bottle. UPDATED! --Oct. 18

    Elder SignMaking an Elder Sign An illustrated guide to making an Elder Sign.

    Elder SignMore Mythos Memorabilia Ideas and illustrated examples of other props you can make.

    Elder SignThe Gallery Images of homemade Mythos tomes, statues and other devilish objects. UPDATED! --Nov. 9

    Elder SignOther Resources Think making these things would be too difficult? Don't worry, here are a collection of businesses that sell versions of many of the objects found here, and a few that aren't! This also houses my collection of Mythos links.UPDATED! --Nov. 17

    Elder SignBlasphemous Whispers The Million Favoured Ones share their ideas and insights for your benefit. UPDATED! --Oct. 14

    Elder SignAlchemist's Workshop Tools and images to help you make Mythos props. NEW! --Oct. 12

Have you made anything you would like to show off? Email me at: xn@geocities.com

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All Text and Images Copyright Christian Matzke, 1998
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Christian Matzke.

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