The Worst of All Time!!

This space is dedicated to those masterpieces that should have, but never did, recieve Golden Globe nominations for Best Picture.

An obvious first choice, The Rocky Horror Picture Show

A personal favorite of mine is Deathrace 2000

Any list like this would be incomplete without Monty Python and the Holy Grail

A rarely seen animated classic is Wizards

Spiderman? Batman? Superman? Who is the greatest superhero of them all?? A no brainer. Buckaroo Banzai is a combination rock star/stuntman/brain surgeon/research scientist.

Quite possibly the most recent addition to this list would be "The Eye of the Beholder." This movie ranks,...well it is just rank. A complete waste of two hours of your life. Not only bad, but absolutely nothing bad enough to laugh at.

Of course, this list is far from complete. I am always looking for more bad movies to watch and perhaps add to this list. If you have any suggestions, please send them to me!!