Chess: The Brain Game

I have known how to play chess for years, but have only recently began to learn the game. It really is amazing how that small board with those little pieces can create such an intricate universe, where each element is directly affected by every change in the bposition of the pieces.

Am I a good player?? Nope. I have no rating, since the opportunity to really play is extremely limited out here in Clewiston. I am hoping to at least get a correspondence rating soon, although I am sure it will be rather low.

If you are interested in playing me by e-mail, do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I don't care if you are a Grandmaster or a complete newcomer...I just want the opportunity to play.

Here are a few of my favorite links that are chess related. I hope you enjoy them.

The United States Chess Organization. Only $40 each year for membership, which includes the monthly magazine, Chess Life.

Chessed. I have not had much experience here, but it looks really cool.

The Internet Chess Club. A fee is required, about $45 per year, but it is well worth the investment.

Yahoo Chess. Go here and play live on the Internet. If you see a guy named BREAKFG, that is me. I'll play ya'!

Manolis Stratikis Problem Page. A great personal site that is filled with chess problems. Answer some of them correctly and join the Hall of Fame! (Even I can find a few that I can get right, so I know just about anybody can solve at least one of these.)

If you know of any other cool chess sites, let me know!!