Son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Upon defeating the Titans Zeus came into power as King of the Universe. He was the lord of the sky, the god of rain, the gatherer of clouds and he alone had the power to yield the thunderbolt, most powerful of all weapons. Amongst all the gods he was supreme; his power was greater than that of all the gods and divinities combined. The only one that held more power than Zeus was Fate: Fate could not be deceived and Zeus, lacking omniscience, was vulnerable to deceit.


Her parents were also Cronus and Rhea. She was Queen of the gods ruler with Zeus her husband and brother. Hera was the protectress of the sacrament of marriage and as such she looked hatefully upon any acts of infidelity, especially those of her husband. Her jealousy ran so deep that she cursed Zeus' conquests, and lives of their ancestors, whether they were of equal blame or simply victims of Zeus' wiles. Despite her cruelty at times and jealous rages Hera was also the protectress of heroes and was venerated in every home. Married women turned to her for guidance.


Zeus' brother and god of the realm of the sea and everything encompassed therein. He was married to Amphrite a daughter of the Titan Ocean. Poseidon controlled the storm and tides and he was the protector of sailors. Poseidon wielded a golden trident, which encompassed most of his powers. With it he could make tidal waves or command the sea to total silence. He was much loved by the Greeks who, as mostly sailors, counted on his good graces for life. He in return was very fond of the humans and presented them with horses, as a sign of his affections.


Ruler of the Underworld he too was a brother of Zeus. He was married to Persephone who ruled as his Queen. Hades, though often mistaken for, must not be confused with Death - Thanatos. Pitiless and, for the most part, emotionless he was not a popular god but commanded the respect of humans and gods alike. He possessed a cap of bright gold, which deemed its wearer invisible. Contradictory as it seems Hades was also the god of wealth because of the gems and precious metals encrusted underground.


Daughter of Zeus she sprouted from his head fully grown complete with her signature golden armor, as such she was Zeus' favorite. He trusted only her completely, and designated her the keeper of his thunderbolt and aegis. Athena was most loved and worshiped by the humans as goddess of the city. She protected their crops; crafts work and domesticated their horses. She has the largest of temples, the Parthenon at the acropolis in her city of Athens. She was a fierce protector of state and home. She was one of the virgin goddesses and was often associated with purity, reason and wisdom.

Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo was, amongst other things, the god of music and was revered for the beautiful music he played on his golden lyre. He was the god of archery and hastened the silver bow. He was considered the great healer and familiarized humans with the art of healing. Above all he was the god of light and as such the god of truth. Never did a lie escape Apollo's' lips. His temple, Delphi in Parnassus, was the most frequented because the oracle was known to be the wisest and most true.

Sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus and Leto Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and the keeper of all things wild. She made her home, mostly, in the forest amongst the creatures and nymphs. Artemis was also the goddess of the moon and protectress of the chase. As one of the virgin goddesses she held her chastity very sacred so much so that if ever spotted by a human male she shot them down with her silver arrow.


Daughter of Zeus, she is said to have sprung from sea foam. The most beautiful of all the goddesses she was, appropriately, the goddess of love and beauty. She left men and gods alike speechless and mindless in awe of her beauty and she found joy in mocking them flirtatiously. She was irresistable, even so she was married to Hephaestus who, though kind and noble, was deformed and lame. She was the mother of Eros.



Son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of Atlas. He was the messenger of the gods, mainly Zeus'. He wore winged sandals on his feet and a winged helmet of gold on his head. He was swift and beautifully graceful. He was, however, the king of thieves and the most cunning of all the gods. He was also the inventor of the lyre, which he presented to Apollo in return for his forgiveness for taking his herd from him. He was the god of commerce and the heralder who led the souls down to their resting-place in Hades.


The god of war and the son of Zeus and Hera. Though he was their son it was said that they despised him and rightfully so he was a hateful and detestable soul. He was not a worshipped god and no temples were erected in his honor. He was never seen alone for, though the god of war, he was cowardly and fled when overwhelmed or wounded. He was usually in the company of his sister Eris - Discord, her son Strife and the goddess of war.


The god of fire and husband to Aphrodite. He was the only deformed or unattractive of all the immortals. Said to be the son of Hera, which she sprung forth in vengeance to Zeus for having born Athena. Zeus threw him from heaven for trying to protect Hera from him on one of their many arguments. However, in most stories he is highly revered in Olympus for he was the forger of their weapons and armor. Hephaestus was the patron god of all handicrafts and much loved amongst the humans. He was known as the "kind god" the god of ceremony.


Virgin goddess of the hearth and sister to Zeus. She was a symbol of the home. All meals began with an offering to Hestia and ended in the same manner. A fire in the hearth was always left burning in her honor. In Roman mythology the flames of the hearth in the cities were protected by six vestal virgins.



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