My talk with the Lord/ Mar 10, 1998

The Greatest Christmas Gift

Listen little children, can you hear,
the night of nights, is finally here

The earth trembles, with hope and delight,
Fore Jesus Christ, will be born here tonight

There is His tiny manger, in the stable at Bethlehem,
Even the angels in heaven, now stand there waiting for Him

All of the crawling creatures, and the birds in the air,
know that God Almighty, will soon be there

A Son is now born, this is the awaited time and day,
Jesus Christ has come, our souls will now be saved

Sing loud old world, let your voices ring,
fore Jesus Christ has come from glory, and He is now our King

But some people have since forgotten, the reason for Christmas day,
they have let Christ fall out, somewhere along the way

The great deceiver has blinded them, with his silver and gold,
they have forgotten God’s love, is worth much more than all of those

It is not what we may buy others, or what we may tell,
that will lead us up to heaven, and keep us from that dreadful hell

It is the love that Christ, has shown to us all,
when He willingly left heaven, and was born in that lowly little stall

Lord we will not forget, what you have done for us on that first Christmas day,
You opened up the gates to heaven, and You’ve now shown us the way

We love You Lord Jesus, and it is with you we will always stay,
We will never forget that Christmas, is really Your Birthday

joe sizemore,
December, 1997

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