Volunteer Opportunities

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Thank you Ticktockers for the enormous contribution you made to our community this summer with your tireless commitment and many hours of volunteer service to our various philanthropies. You are extraordinary! And many thanks to the grade level representatives and liaisons that worked hard this summer setting up orientations, taking sign-ups, and coordinating participation with the philanthropic organizations we serve.

I am happy to announce that we have added two new philanthropies, P.V Art Center and Family Literacy Center, to our list. Thank you Barbara and Margie for so graciously adding these philanthropies to your existing responsibilities. Please call the respective liaison listed below with inquiries.

Please also read National’s policy paper on crediting philanthropy hours, which is published in this month’s Clockwork. It clarifies the questions some of you have had about "double-dipping" or earning hours for both NCL and another organization at the same philanthropy.

Jan Love will host our first Community Philanthropy meeting of the year at her home on Tuesday, September 5th at 7pm. I look foreword to seeing all our committee members there.

I hope you’re all rested and ready to start the new school year! Be sure to check the Clockwork calendar for upcoming philanthropy opportunities and orientations.

Val Kelly 
3rd VP, Community Philanthropy


7th Grade, Little Sisters of the Poor Mary Ochi 378-3231

8th Grade, STAR Kathy Halliday 541-6661

9th Grade, Norris Theatre Kathleen Lacey 377-1636

10th Grade, 4H/ASAP Katy Borst 378-4913

11th Grade, 1736 House Patty Anthony 373-0932

12th Grade, Class Choice Cathryn Boyd 541-2238



Adopt-A-Grandparent Lisa Noski 377-6361

Cabrillo Museum/Heal the Bay Cathy Maikisch 541-4925

Hospital Volunteers/Family Literacy Barbara Sonne 541-1876

Willenberg/Camp Escapades Anne Priest 373-3446

Student Aides Gail Benowitz 548-4432

Library/Community Helpline Jan Love 373-3924

Habitat for Humanity/P.V. Art Center Margie Morgan 544-0109

Collections Ann Leatherbury 541-7833



Job: Face painting, set-up & clean-up, ticket taking selling opport. drawings
Date: Sunday, October1
Time: 3 shifts 10:00am-2:00pm, 12 noon-4:00pm or 2:00-6:00pm May work all
Place: Lunada Bay Fountain (Yarmouth & PV Drive West)
Attire: Comfortable clothing
Contact: Camille Feldman (310) 375-3951