Welcome to my Guestbook!

jim.bakker - 12/15/00 13:27:59
My Email:jim.bakker@free.fr

God damn Pats, long time no see Yess it's James (according to Dave Norket) young jimmy Bakker how are you. I'm living in Paris now and have been for the last 5 years How is the home front, people we used to work with. Do you have any news concerning, lets see, Ali / Norkel /Tony / Jango ect ect ect. Me, like I said I've been living in Paris for the last 5 years and have a good looking little boy, 3 years old named Vincent. Damn good to see your picture it's been too long. Hope to hear from you soon. Big kisses, Jim Bakker

- 05/13/00 00:24:34


- 04/10/00 19:19:15


Kevin Knauer - 03/23/00 04:03:06
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/rckymtn30/index.htm
My Email:rckymtn3@codenet.net

I just love your web page! More exactly, your garden pages are wonderful!!

Kees Koopen - 02/09/00 20:04:48
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com
My Email:onursat@multiweb.nl

really nice homepage;my compliments KEES

mikke - 10/08/99 21:00:12
My URL:http://www.algonet.se/~urmito
My Email:urmito@algonet.se

not more than. we where at the same time in india. about the arctic cirkel. cold but not as hell. light and darknes take out each other. love mikke

Jas Grewal - 07/20/99 01:04:34
My Email:jas.grewal@lineone.net

The best imaginative site I have seen in the last 5 years of surfing…...keep up the good work. Lovely poems, also the English is great... Well done Patsi..see you around in one the hangouts in Ams....

billy cairns - 05/05/99 12:29:15

ayr is wonderful c u soon love billy

Soupy Campbell - 02/21/99 13:20:22
My URL:/Hearttland/Ranch/2328
My Email:kelin@ghplus.infi.net

i was reading your india1.html page patsi very good but alot of text.just suggestion maybe should break it up into two pages and your overload problem should be gone then come visit me at my site and email me if you need help

- 02/20/99 21:36:30


Ben Renfrew - 02/20/99 21:04:26
My Email:oracleproductions@btinternet.com

Hiyah patsi Only me...........hope you are cool....love the page when you come over help me et mine up love you ...... Birdy num numms

River - 01/18/99 01:38:59
My Email:whysman@ts.co.nz

Hi Patsi Accessed your page from my work address. Well done. Nice to meet your image finally. Still looking forward to your visit. Cheers, River

Louvrier - 01/01/99 06:40:10
My Email:edit@skybest.com

Thanks for the welcome e-mail; the links will be a lifesaver, for my page is stuck in limbo. I read "A Pint and a Pie" with great delight; it would seem you have lived in the UK or that you have a genius for for language with a flavor--wonderful stuff! Who can't identify with the bad evening your hero experienced! Like you, I love to read--and ha e read a lot of the world's greatest (used to teach lit for a living). So I've seen plenty of good imagery in fiction; your scenes come to life like Hardy's heath and Cather's description of Rosicky's hand in Cather's short story "Neighbor Rosicky." Well: forgive my gushing; I wasn't expecting anything so fine as your story. Best regards and Happy New Year.

Rd - 11/29/98 05:47:13
My Email:azhomes@hotmail.com

Hey, Hey!!!! I am quite impressed. . . .your site is a real piece of work. Very nicely done my friend! Hope to "see" you in the near future. Are you completely ready for good 'ol Saint Nick??? Regards, Rd (Az)

10/25/98 12:18:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/07/98 14:53:04
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Peter Ercolano - 08/31/98 13:33:33
My Email:peter@fabernet.com

A great site for a great lady ! Peter (a loving fan)

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