Love grows with knowledge. It can also die from neglect. These dialogues were written with the hope that they will inspire readers to greater love, through understanding, of the Catholic Church.
I have heard it said that there are people leaving the Church like a hemorrage and I can't help wondering how many of these would still leave if they knew the truth that the Church teaches. History serves as the best evidence that, (as in the case of St. Augustine and many more), knowledge is the first step on the road to Rome. In our present time, the outpour can be stemmed by better education.
These dialogues cover a broad range of topics. All
are welcome. Skeptics are encouraged. Just pick a number, double click,
and let your journey begin....
If there were no God, I could believe in chance. I could accept that good and bad events were just a matter of coincidence, "luck", or misfortune. But it is precisely because I believe in God as maker of heaven and earth that I believe He is also choreographer of every and all events. If this were not the case, then how could I accept a verse that says, "All things work for good..."? And so, I do not subscribe to coincidence other than a word to describe the actions of God in our lives.
When I look at my life in retrospect, my belief is confirmed and reinforced, because I can see His hand guiding my footsteps. I can remember times when just the right word was said, the perfect verse read, or the best new friendship was struck, and I know He was there.
I am the father of three, but not by chance. I am the father of three by the design of my heavenly Father for the purpose of revealing Himself to me in a more intimate way. It gives me joy when my son is obedient to the rules that I have set down for his own well being, and I pray for my enemies, (even begrudgingly), because the Second Person commanded it. I have beamed with pride over finger paintings and crayola etchings, while my Father has cherished all of my meager efforts and accomplishments in His name. Daily prayer has become a high priority for me since considering the way I would feel if my children only spoke, or spent time with me on Sunday morning. And what father's chest does not swell for a son that is a "chip off the old block"? Is this why Jesus said, "Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect", or, "Take up your cross and follow Me"?
When all is said and done, I think it would have been difficult, if not impossible, for me to understand the incarnation, and crucifixion if I had not made the daily sacrifices that a father gladly makes for his children. As a result, I understand more intensely what it means to call God, Father.
I know that everything I have, and offer, my desire to obey, serve, and seek Him are gifts from God. Now I count one more blessing. I know Him as a Father, because He allowed me to be a father.
A man who had a great love of roses tried to grow them from cuttings for may years with no success. It was very depressing. He could dig the holes, choose the best cuttings to take, and apply the special chemicals that were needed, but he could not make them take root. Finally he came to realize that although he knew the proper techniques, he did not have the power to grant them life. It was in the hands of God to work that miracle.
One morning, while taking a walk with the Lord, he proposed a partnership(so to speak). He said, "I will do the physical labor if You will grant life to the roses so I can dedicate a garden to Your glory and grow a beautiful bouquet in Your honor". Soon the roses were thriving and the man spent many happy hours keeping company with his "Partner" while tending the flowers.
When summer came some of the roses began to wilt. This confused the man because all of them had bloomed and he thought they had passed the most critical stages in their development. He checked the plants daily and nearly every day would discover another dying rose. By summers' end there were only a handful of bushes that had held out long enough to be saved by the cooler weather.
One day while he was in the garden, the Holy Spirit showed him that he had been allowed to grow the roses so that he would learn the nature of evangelization. He knew that by witness and example, he could help bring a person the Lord. This is like taking the cuttings and preparing them for the soil. Then, if it is the will of the Father, He will grant them life. Next you feed the person on spiritual foods such as are found in the Word of God, and if possible, the Eucharist, that he might grow and become strong in the faith. This could be compared to the pruning, cultivation, and fertilization of the roses. Sometimes, at this point you will be rewarded by seeing the person become "on fire for the Lord". This is of course their blossoming. The final phase of the lesson is sad, because just as some of the roses wilt and die, so will the zeal of some people wither. The key here is the bushes that hold out to the end. They encourage us as we continue our work in Gods garden.
This then is the entire lesson in outline:
Never stop taking new cuttings for the heavenly garden.Pray that the Lord will grant the miracle of life.
Nurture and care for them with patience and love.
Remember, they bloom for the glory of God.
Don't be discouraged if some do not survive.
Just as Jesus once said to St. Peter, "feed my lambs".
The Holy Spirit has always said to all good Christians, "Tend my Roses".