MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: 1. R.C. of La Joya, Arequipa. The purpose of this project is to provide medical equipment to a small medical facility. The project will serve a population of 14 000 people that otherwise will have to travel one hour to the nearest city. The building is already finished. We are looking for the following items, that could be used: a. Stethoscope. b. Spigmomanomether (adult and children). c. Scales (adult and children). d. Panthoscope - ear, nose, throat - (adult and children) e. Portable X-ray. f. Ocographer (if possible) Rotarians will install and supervise the project. The facility will be run by the Peruvian Health Authorities. The cost of transportation could be solved by a matching grant from The Rotary Foundation. Our law permits the import of used goods with no taxes.

2. R.C. of Yanahuara - Arequipa. There are 3 medical facilities (small) in the poorest areas of Arequipa (Cono Norte and Huaranguillo). We need the same equipment needed for project 1 of this section. Rotarians will also install and supervise the project.

3. R.C. Of Nasca. To provide a kitchen and dining facility for a school in a very disadvantaged area. The purpose is to provide a basic kitchen, a storeroom and a dining area with benches, tables and eating utensiles. A nourshing midday meal would be served to 400 children per sitting at a nominal cost of less than twenty five cents (US). The sponsoring Club will give US$ 500. We look for a Club or a District willing to give US$ 4 500 in order to aply for a US$ 5 000 matching grant from TRF.

4. We have 10 other Clubs willing to sponsor a kitchen and dining facility as the projetc that was described above (3).

EDUCATION 1. R.C. of La Joya, Arequipa. Public Kindergarten needs a 25 square meters of roof for one classroom. This day care center serves 40 children from 3 to 5 years old. Budget: US$ 1500. We are looking for a District or Club to Club donation. 2. R.C. of Yanahuara - Arequipa. Day care center for children under 5 years old needs: - Cribs. - Mats. - Matresses. - Blankets. - Chairs and tables. - Washers. - Kitchen and implements.. The building is finished and will serve 50 chidren every day. The mothers are peasnts (farm workers with lowest income). Rotarians will provide the food and supervise the project. Cost: US$ 10 000. The sponsoring Club can provide US$ 1 000. They are looking for a Club that can provide US $ 4 000 and then apply for US$ 5 000 from a matching grant of TRF.

3. R.C. of Yanahuara - Arequipa. To implement a school for borderline children (slight mentally retarded). Needs: - Tables. - Chairs. - Desks. - Kitchen. - Boards. - Toys. - T.V. - VCR - Peronal computers (2 at least, 486 or up). The sponsoring Club will provide the food and supervise the project for two years. The sponsoring Club could provide US$ 1 000. We look for a District or a Club that could give US$ 9 000 to apply for a matching grant of US$ 10 000.

4. R.C. of Chanchamayo - La Merced. To implement 14 Elementary and High Schools that are located in tropical areas with used or rebuilt computers. We need 180 computers (386 or up). Transportation can be solved by a matching grant of TRF. This kind of donation is free of taxes. Rotarians will install and supervise the project.

5. R.C. of Arequipa Sur and Yanahuara-Arequipa To help an institution called "Hogar de Cristo" with the integral education, health care and feeding of 50 street children (most of them homeless and destitute), that work in the street of Arequipa in order to survive. Cost: US$ 40 000. The sponsoring clubs could give US$ 5 000. We need a Club or a District willing to donate 15 000 in order to apply for a matching frant from TRF. We are also looking for rotarian "godfathers" or "godmothers" willing to adop a child for a year giving of US$ 637.

FIRE EQUIPMENT 1. R.C. of Nasca. The area where this R.C. serves just had a devastating earthquake in 1996. Nasca has a population of 30 000 inhabitants and only one Fire Company, which is only runmed by volunteers. They need: - Fire truck (pumper truck). - Mechanical saw. - Hydraulic expansors. - Equipment of welding. Transportation could be solved throught a matching grant from TRF. Ther will be no customs duty.

2. R.C. of Arequipa Este. The Club wants to help the Fire Department with the following equipment: RESCUE EQUIPMENT: - 1.5 ton electric winch with 159 ft. of cable. - Hydrualic vehicle recue equipment for cutting, expanding and pulling. Eg. Jaws of Life, Hurtz Emergency Products, Coshohocken, Pa. - Confined and mountanous terrain rescue equipment such us ropes, harnesses, tripods and rouch terrain stretchers. Eg. Sked.Evac, Skedko, Portland, Or. PORTABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - 1.5 cubic mter aluminum oxigen tanks. - Set of disposable Mayo tubes. Eg. Mod. 10457 Bite Stick, U.O. Equipment Co. Houston, Tx. - Adult and child Minerva equipment. - Pneumatic splints fro upper and lower limbs - A stabilizer vest - A mediacl examination case. - Minor surgery equipment. - Basic equipment to treat trauma. - Aluminumized covers to treat hypothermia. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FOR AMBULANCE - Electric fluid aspirator. - Portable defibralator. MISCELANEOUS EQUIIPMENT: - A 100 hg. dry chemical fire extinguiser on wheels. - Portable flood lights. Eg. Federal Night-Fighter FL3ST-120. - ANSUlite Aqueous Film foam for hydrocarbon and alcohol fires. - High voltage gloves. - Portable water tank. Eg. Mod. FDT-100, Fol-Da-Tank Co. - Gasoline powered ventillation extractor. - Air mattress for jumping. Eg. Safety Air Cushion Inc, - Fiberglass ladders. Eg. Mod. D7128-2 and D7540-2, TBC Inc. 714 361 2106 - Hazmat handling suits for level B liquids. . Aluminized suits fro proximity to fire. Eg. proximity Coveralls, Fyrepel, Decauter, IL.

Transportation could be solved by a matching grant from TRF. Ther will be no customs duty.

OTHERS 1. R.C. of Nasca. To provide illiterate people a workshop. This workshop will provide school garments that will be purchased by the education authorities. We need to buy the the sewing machines and other implements. Cost of the proyect: US$ 22 000. The sponsoring Club could give US$ 1 000. We need a District or a Club willing to give US$ 10 000 to apply for US$ 11 000 matching grant from TRF.

2. R.C. of Arequipa Este. To provide water supply to a population of 2 100 people. Specificly the projects will construct public pipelines to bring water near the homes. The sponsoring Club will provide the technical support, architectural and engineering professionals; the coummunity will provide the labor and we neeed a Club or a District willing to donate US$ 5 000.