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More poems about Blessings

I wish I could soften the hearts of those who don’t believe
In God the Creator and all that He continues to achieve,
Praise Him for our blessings especially for our agency,
There is no forcing us to believe, no, not to any degree.

But as we see the beauty, with it with eyes and heart,
And at night gaze up at moon and stars as they impart
Their dimmer light in beauty from a dark velvet sky,
Can we even count when a star is born or does die.

People say ‘a kind God would not allow all the pain,
All the wars and the suffering, all the greed for gain,
But we humans are in control whether for good or ill,
Even freak weather maybe because of the air we kill’

But whether we believe in a Superior Being or no,
Let us love well as through our short life we go,
Show true kindness and respect to all we know and see,
Then together in heaven we’‘l worship on bended knee.

(Millicent) Ann Margetson 3 July 2006