New Thought Spiritualism seeks to promote the original intent of Spiritualism which has been lost due to the focus on spirit communication over the development of spirituality.

In New Thought Spiritualism it is taught that guidance and love surrounds us by the design of Infinite Intelligence, God. In New Thought Spiritualism it is sought to accept the good in people and all of life, here and hereafter. In New Thought Spiritualism it is stressed that Infinite Intelligence is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscience. Infinite Intelligence is Spirit, everywhere present, the one and only Spirit behind, in and through all things, visible and invisible. A true understanding of life is based on the realization that the unseen hand of Infinite Intelligence guides and provides for us in every component of our existence. 

In New Thought Spiritualism the existence of any power or presence opposed to Infinite Intelligence is denied. There are evil appearances and there is suffering in the world, but these are ascribed to man's ignorance and erroneous use of Infinite Intelligence's Universal Laws. Living in accordance with Universal Laws is the only true religion. 

In New Thought Spiritualism seeks to relate universal and natural laws to all aspects of this existence, extending one's spiritual practice to every aspect of life. Thereby, manifesting Infinite Intelligence's perfect love  for all. In New Thought Spiritualism  individuals, organizations and the higher spheres are aligned into one great Harmonia.

New Thought Spiritualism was not meant to have any restrictive dogma or creed. New Thought Spiritualism states that there is a necessity for each individual, according to their means, temperament and desire to develop a higher understanding of Infinite Intelligence. Therefore, in New Thought Spiritualism acknowledges everyone has the right to have their own beliefs, and to use the methods they choose to develop a higher understanding. 

In New Thought Spiritualism worship is seen as serving Infinite Intelligence by uplifting and glorifying Infinite Intelligence's spirit in any positive, joyous way. It seeks not to emphasize one's sins of the past, but instead gives attention to the good that exists in every person and what can be done now and in the future to transform one's self. By their own desire a New Thought Spiritualist seeks to serve Infinite Intelligence by acting as a channel for guidance and love for the upliftment of others and of all things. 

In New Thought Spiritualism it is explained that one's words, thoughts and action affect the universe. A New Thought Spiritualist accepts and understands the power that every thought, feeling, word and act has upon one's life and accepts that responsibility.

An essential underlining belief of New Thought Spiritualism is that everyone is a potential mystic and can develop a greater understanding of the higher spheres. The use and acceptance of spiritual gifts is seen as a technique for expanding and transforming one's mind, and thus changing oneself. Spirit communication is a tool to help us understand the true nature of the universe and is a tool to help all develop to the highest possible extent. New Thought Spiritualism believes that life is a continual progression and is eternal. 

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Revised: June 1, 2004 .