West Essex Junior High School

Spanish Resources

South America / La America del Sur 1999

1 Virtual Exploration

English- Air Travel Information with photographs of destinations


English/Espanol- Search Engine for South American sites, includes several links of its own

3 South America Online

English/Espanol- Large group of directories for South American countries

4 News Central: South America

English- Newspapers from South America

5 Political Parties and Youth Organizations of South America

English- Political and Government Organizations in South America

6 South America Mission

Engilsh- Missionary trips to countries in South America

7 South America on the NET

English/Espanol- Lots of information about South American countries

8 National Geographic .com

English- History, political maps, and economical information abouth South America and South American countries

9 Regional Operativo del Tiempo para America del Sur

Espanol- Important Weather information in Hispanic countries, mostly on South American areas

10 Atlas of the World: South America

English- Several South American maps

11 Virtual Tour- South America

English- Major Information on South American touring

12 Government and Politics

English- General information on government of Hispanic countries with maps and flags

13 Professional Guide to Chile

English- Lots of information from Chile and link to other South American and Hispanic countries

14 South American Explorers Club

English- Best overall source of travel to and from South America

15 Uptown International Travel

English- Helps plan trips to South American countires

16 ArgenTours

English/Espanol- Geographical introduction on some South American countries

por Octavio M. y Gumersindo R.




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Last updated el 22 febrero 1999