West Essex Junior High School

Spanish Resources

Deportes 1999

List of links

Description of site

Futbol soccer

pictures and information on soccer teams and players


Beisbol Sites and information


Names and information on baseball teams and players


Sports of spain


Check out some other sports of the hispanic world


Go see soccer standings of pro soccer


Cool picture, cool music, also informative


Cool pictuers


Very informative site about different countries around the world

Futbol Argentina

This site is informative and has many good pictures

Domican Baseball

This Domican Baseball site has very good information on Domican baseball players.


This web page tells scores of soccer games. It is in Spanish.

Club Nacional de Futbol

Very good web page for sports fans.

Arecibo Lobos of the Puerto Rico Winter League

Good Information on The Puerto Rican Winter League.

Chago Press-Informacion Deportiva de Puerto Rico

This web page is in spanish and contains information on Puerto Rican sports

Alianza Lima Home page

Good site on Peruvian soccer


Good information on all kinds of sports



por Diego O., Constantino U., Guillermo A., d

por Juan T, Marķa I y Ana L

Write to/Escribe a konner@worldnet.att.net

Last updated el 26 marzo 1999