Welcome to the Lorain High

Class of 1986

13 year

Post Reunion Page


Thanks to all the people who had a part in making the Reunion a HUGE SUCCESS!!!!! I am going to keep the page going as a post reunion page and hopefully it will evolve into a 15yr Reunion page(hint, hint). As you can see it has undergone a few changes, and I am sure more on on the way.


Class of 86 members in attendance

Click on Image for a Larger One


Remember to sign the Guestbook to let your classmates know what you've been up to!!!!!!!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook



e-mail the web master at lorainhs@geocities.com

This High School Reunion Ring site is owned by
Lorain High School Class of 86 Reunion Page .

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