Parent’s Perception of a Magnet Middle School

A Survey

Welcome to the research study. This study is part of an assignment for a qualitative research course offered through a doctoral program at Southwest Texas State University, College of Education. This research is designed to begin to explore some of the perceptions that are present about the magnet middle school program. Please read the letter of introduction before continuing with the study.

The survey consists of five sections: General Introduction Questions, Communication, Academics, Environment, and General Closing Questions. A Likert scale is provided for you to indicate your answer to the question or statement and a comment space is provided if you would like to explain or comment about your selection on the scale.

Please type the identification code that was emailed to you in the box below. By typing your code, you indicate that you have read the letter of introduction and the informed consent statement and agree with the information provided therein. If you have any questions, please contact the researcher prior to typing in your code and submitting your survey results.

Identification Code: Date:


Please read each question or statement and mark your answer in the appropriate location. Be sure to read each answer option carefully as the options change from question to question. Please provide any comments or explanation for your choice in the space provided.

General Introduction Questions:

Is this your first experience having a student in a magnet middle school? Yes No

In which grades do you currently have students attending the magnet middle school?


Recruiting Materials:

Communication Before Admittance to the Program:

Communication After Admittance to the Program:


Class work - Appropriateness for the Lesson:

Class work - Matches the Ability of the Students:

Class work - Amount:

Home work - Appropriateness for the Lesson:

Home work - Matches the Ability of the Students:

Home work - Amount:


Discipline Policies:


Instructors - Teaching to the Students' Level:

Instructors - Subject Knowledge:

Extracurricular Activities:

Instructional Method

What aspect(s) of the magnet middle school influenced your decision to send students to the school? Please rank the options from 1 (most important) to 8 (least important). If an option was not important please rank it as 0. Please do not use any number (other than 0) more than once.

How well has the magnet middle school achieved an integrated learning context? Students are using:

How well has the magnet middle school used integrated learning methods? The students are:

What is your overall perception of the integrated curriculum approach to Learning:

General Closing Questions:

Please describe in detail why you were willing to take your
student out of a traditional middle school and place her/him in
a magnet middle school program.

Would you allow any additional students to attend a magnet middle school? Yes No

What is your overall perception of the magnet middle school:

Is there any other comment or information that you would
like to share that has not been addressed in this survey?

Would you be willing to participate in a one-hour maximum, audio-taped interview with the researcher in order to discuss some of your perceptions more in depth?

Yes No

Thank you very much for your time and participation.