I. Bibliographies
The most current comprehensive bibliography on Appalachia can be found in a regional
studies textbook used in many Appalachian Studies courses: Appalachia: Social Context Past
and Present. Third Edition. Bruce Ergood and Bruce Kuhre, editors, Kendall Hunt Publishing
Company, Dubuque, 1991, 377-416. This bibliography is organized by topic which enhances its
use. A list of audiovisual materials is also included, and other bibliographies are listed. Other
useful bibliographies include:
Fisher Steve. "A Selected Bibliography for Appalachian Studies", Appalachian Journal, Vol.9,
(Winter-Spring 1982): 209-242. This bibliography is also in Ergood and Kuhre.
Miller, Jim Wayne. Reading. Writing. and Region: A Checklist. Purchase Guide and Directory
for School and Community Libraries in Appalachia, Boone, NC, Appalachian Consortium Press,
Obermiller, Phillip. A Bibliography on Urban Appalachians, Urban Appalachian Council, 2115
West Eighth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
II. Filmographies
See Ergood and Kuhre, op. cit. for a list of audiovisual materials available from Appalshop Films and
Records, Whitesburg, KY, or order the Appal shop catalog.
Schuster, Laura, and Sharyn McCrumb. "Appalachian Film List", Appalachian Journal, Vol.11 (Summer
The Episcopal Appalachian Ministries, P.O. Box 51931, Knoxville, TN 37950-1931 (Phone:
(800) 956-2776) has appropriate films including one on West Virginia and two short videos produced by
Appalachian youth discussing community problems.
Williamson, J.W., Hillbillyland: What the Movies Did to the Mountains and What the Mountains Did to
the Movies, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.
III. General Anthologies
Batteau, Allen, ed. Appalachia and America: Autonomy and Regional Dependence, Lexington, KY: University
of Kentucky Press, 1983.
Ergood, Bruce and Bruce E. Kuhre, eds. Appalachia: Social Context and Present, Third Edition, Dubuque,
Kendall/Hunt, 1991.
Jones, Loyal. Reshaping the Image of Appalachia. Berea, KY: Berea College Appalachian Center, 1986.
IV. Religion
Bryant, W., various works on the Church of God Evangel, a Church of God collection, Pentecostal Research
Center, Cleveland, TN: Lee College.
Dorgan Howard, Giving Glory to God in Appalachia: Worship Practices of Six Baptist Subdenominations,
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1987.
McCauley, Deborah Vansau, Appalachian Mountain Religion: A History. Urbana: University of Illinois
V. The Migrant Experience: Urban Appalachians
Appalachian Regional Commission. A Report to Congress on Migration. Washington, DC:
Appalachian Regional Commission, 1979.
Arnow, Harriet S. The Dollmaker. New York: Macmillan, 1954.
Batteau, Allen, ed. Appalachia and America: Autonomy and Regional Dependence. Lexington:
University of Kentucky Press, 1983. See for several articles on the migrant experience.
Borman, Kathryn M. and Phillip J. Obermiller, From Mountain to Metropolis: Appalachian Migrants in
American Cities, Westport, Connecticut: Bergen and Garvey, 1994.
Coalition for Appalachian Ministry. Wayfaring Strangers: Appalachians in the City. Amesville, Ohio, 1984.
Coles, Robert. Children of Crisis. Boston: Little, Brown/Atlantic Monthly, 1972.
Fowler, Gary L. Appalachian Migration: A Review and Assessment of the Research. Prepared for the ARC.
Chicago: U. of
Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1980.
Gitlin, Todd & Nanci Hollander, Uptown: Poor Whites In Chicago. New York: Harper & Row, 1970
Greenberg, Stanley B. Politics and Poverty: Modernization and Response in Five Poor Neighborhoods. New
York: Wiley, 1974.
Howell, Joseph T. Hard Living on Clay Street: Portraits of Blue Collar Families. Garden City, NY: Anchor,
Kirby, Jack 'F. "The Southern Exodus, 1910-1960: A Primer for Historians." Journal of Southern History 49
(November 1983): 585-600.
Miller, Jim Wayne. The Mountains Have Come Closer. Boone: Appalachian Consortium Press, 1980. See
esp. Part III, "Brier Sermon."
Mountain Life and Work, September 1983. Special issue on urban Appalachians. Mountain Life and Work
regularly carried information on the activities of urban Appalachians.
Obermiller, Phillip J. An Annotated Bibliography on Urban Appalachians. Cincinnati: Urban Appalachian
Council, 1984
Obermiller, Phillip J. "Appalachians as an Urban Ethnic Group: Romanticism, Renaissance, or
Revolution? And a Brief Bibliographical Essay on Urban Appalachians." Appalachian Journal 5
(Autumn 1977): 145-52.
Obermiller, Phillip J., ed. Down Home Downtown: Urban Appalachians Today, Dubuque:
Kendall/Hunt, 1996.
Obermiller, Phillip J.. & William W. Philliber, eds. Too Few Tomorrows: Urban Appalachians
in the 1980s. Boone: ACP, 1987.
Philliber, William W. Appalachian Miorants in Urban America: Cultural Conflict or Ethnic Group
New York: Praeger, 1981.
Philliber, William W. & Clyde B. McCoy, eds. The Invisible Minority: Urban Appalachians. Lexington:
University of Kentucky Press, 1981.
Schwarzweller, Harry K., James S. Brown & J. J. Mangalam. Mountain Families in Transition:
A Case Study of Appalachian Migration. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1971.
Southern Exposure 17 (Spring 1989). See for several articles on Appalachian migrants.
Thomas, John C. Between Citizen and City: Neighborhood Organizations and Urban Politics in Cincinnati.
Lawrence: U. Press of Kansas, 1986.
Tucker, Bruce. "An Interview with Michael Maloney." AJ 17 (Fall 1989): 34-48.
Tudiver, Sari L. "Country Road Take Me Home: The Political Economy of Wage-Labor
Migration in an Eastern Kentucky Comm unity." In And the Poor Get Children: Radical
Perspectives on Population Dynamics, ed. Karen Michaelson, 221-45. New York: Monthly
Review Press, 1981.
Weiland, Steven, & Phillip J. Obermiller, eds. Perspectives on Urban Appalachians: An
Introduction to Mountain Life. Migration. and Urban Adaptation. and a Guide to the
Improvement of Social Services. Cincinnati: Urban Appalachian Awareness Project, 1978.
White, Stephen. "Return Migration to Eastern Kentucky and the Stem Family Concept." Growth & Change
18 (Spring 1987):38-52.
Zehner, Robert B., & Stuart Chapin, Jr. Across the City Line: A White Community in Transition.
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1974.
VI. Culture and General History
Campbell, John C. The Southern Highlander and His Homeland. New York: Russell Sage
Foundation, 1921.
Caruso, John A. The Appalachian Frontier: America's First Surge Westward. Indianapolis:
Bobbs-MerriIl, 1969.
Caudill, Harry. Night Comes to the Cumberlands. Boston: Little, Brown, 1963.
Corbin, David Alan. Life. Work. and Rebellion in the Coal Fields: The Southern West Virginia
Miners. 1880-1922. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981.
Eaton, Allen. Handicrafts of the Southern Highlands. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1937.
Eller, Ron. Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1984.
Ford, Thomas R. (ed.) The Southern Appalachian Region: A Survey. Lexington: University of
Kentucky Press, 1962.
Higgs, Robert J., et al., Appalachia Inside Out. Volume 1. Conflict and Change, Volume II Culture
and Custom, Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1995, Vol.2, 1996.
Higgs, Robert J. and Ambrose Manning (ed.) Voices From the Hills. Selected Readings of Southern
Appalachia. Frederick Ungar Publishing Company in cooperation with AppalachianConsortium
Press, 1975.
Hudson, Charles M. The Southeastern Indians. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1976.
Kephart, Horace. Our Southern Highlanders. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1913.
McKinney, Cordon B. Southern Mountain Republicans. 1865-1900. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1978.
Miles, Emma Bell. The Spirit of the Mountains. New York: J. Pott & Co., 1905.
Philliber, William W., Clyde B. McCoy, and Harry C. Dillingham (eds.) The Invisible Minority. Urban
Appalachians. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1981.
Photiadis. John D. (ed.) Religion in Appalachia. Theological. Social, and Psychological Dimensions.
Morgan town: West Virginia University, n.d.
Ross, Malcolm. Machine Age in the Hills. New York: Macmillan, 1933.
Shapiro, Henry. Appalachia On Our Minds: The Southern Mountains and Mountaineers in the American
Consciousness, 1870-1920. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1978.
Sharp, Cecil J. English Folk Songs From the Southern Appalachians. 2 vols. London: Oxford University
Press, 1932.
Turner, William II. and Edward Cabbell (eds.) Blacks in Appalachia. Lexington: University Press of
Kentucky, 1985.
WaIler, Altina, Feud: Hatfields, McCovs and Social Change in Appalachia. 1860-1900. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
Whisnant, David. All That is Native and Fine. The Politics of Culture in an American Region. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1983.
VII. Health and Mental Health
Batteau, Alan, Appalachia and America. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983. See articles by John
Friedl and Richard A. Couto.
Keefe, Susan Em Icy. Appalachian Mental Health. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1988.
Looff, David, Appalachia's Children: The Challenge of Mental Health. Lexington: The University Press of
Kentucky, 1971.
Urban Appalachian Council, "Your Appalachian Client", 52 page booklet. Cincinnati, 1990.
VIII. Family and Child Rearing
Abbott, Susan, Ed. Children in Appalachia, proceedings from the 1990 Conference on Appalachia, The
Appalachian Center, 641 South Limestone, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0333.
Ergood. Bruce, and Bruce E. Kuhre, Eds. Appalachia: Social Context Past and Present. See articles by
Patricia Beaver, Ann and Cecil Tickameyer, and Janet M. Fitchen. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 1991
IX. Periodicals
Appalachia. Published monthly by the Appalachian Regional Commission, 1666 Connecticut
Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20235. No charge.
The Appalachian Advocate. Urban Appalachian Council, 2115 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45204.
Appalachian Heritage. Published by Berea College, Berea, Kentucky 40404. $18.00 per year.
Appalachian Journal. Published by Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina 28608.
Journal of Appalachian Studies. The Appalachian Studies Association, P.O. Box 6825, West
Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6825.
Newsletter, Berea College Appalachian Center, CPO Box 2336 Berea, KY 40404-2336.
Now and Then: The Appalachian Magazine. Center for Appalachian Studies, East Tennessee State
University Box 70556, Johnson City, TN 37614-0556.
Southern Exposure Published by the Institute for Southern Studies, Box 531, Durham, North
Carolina 27702. 516.00 per year.
Urban Appalachian Voices. Newsletter of the Urban Appalachian Council, 2115 West Eighth
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204.
X. Festivals and Competitions
There are numerous festivals and competitions which feature Appalachian music, crafts, dance
and other cultural elements. Some are in the Appalachian region and some in urban migrant
centers. There are annual Appalachian Festivals in Cincinnati, Columbus, Hamilton, Middletown
(Elk Fork Festival) and other cities. Two of the largest festivals in Appalachian Ohio are the Bob
Evans Farm Festival at Rio Grande and the Salt Fork Festival near Cambridge. For info~ation
contact the local Chamber of Commerce or call 1-800-BUCKEYE for a Schedule of Festivals and
Competitions (published quarterly). Clogging, square dance and traditional reels and jigs are
Appalachian musical forms. Black Appalachian music and culture are featured in the annual John
Henry Memorial Festival near Charleston, W. Va. Contact the West Virginia Cultural Center in
Charleston or the John Henry Memorial Foundation for info~ation. Mountain Stage, a radio
program featuring Appalachian music is broadcast live from Charleston on National Public
XI. Curricula and Resource Guides
Ann E. Haley-Oliphant. Introducing Appalachian Culture and History: An Activities Approach.
Urban Appalachian Council, 2115 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204, 1985.
Constanza, Tina, et al. Appalachian Idea Book, Urban Appalachian Council, 1989.
Appalachian Center. Teaching Units and Curriculum Guides for Teachers and Students of
Appalachian Studies, University of Kentucky, 641 South Limestone, Lexington, Kentucky,
40506-0333, 1999