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Are you a homemaker, teacher, engineer... Does your job
entails giving sales presentations, selling insurance, or having to market products? Or
are you an accountant, an auditor, a doctor ... whatever your practice may be, nothing is
more certain than this : Communication is the key to your success. And being a member of a
Toastmasters club is the surest way to keep moving up. Toastmasters helps you acquire confidence in presenting yourself in public through its communications and leadership programme. Your participation in Toastmasters will prove to be one of the best investments you can make - an investment in yourself. Through Toastmasters you will learn a variety of skills that will assist you in organizing and presenting your thoughts more clearly, enhance your listening skills, and be able to think and react quickly. Most importantly, you will learn these skills in a positive, friendly, and supportive environment. You will have fun, meet new people and develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Our activities are directed at assisting members help themselves and in encouraging interaction between new members and their friendly and helpful peers as well as experienced Toastmasters. Each chapter meeting gives members and guests like you a chance to speak in front of an audience. Besides the regular meetings, there is a variety of tips, tools and tricks at the disposal of the members. There is a famous quote, "Ask not what the nation can do for you, ask what you can do for your nation." At Braddell Heights Toastmasters Clubs, we believe in giving first. Once you benefit in some way, you'll automatically give to the club. We assign mentors and help develop communication skills first, before asking members to give to the club by being mentors for others. Therefore we say "Ask not what you can do for the club, ask what the club can do for you!" Together let us scale greater heights! |
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webmaster at netcon96@hotmail.com. Copyright © 1999 by Bradell Heights Toastmasters
Clubs . All rights reserved.