Free and Accepted Masons
of the
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Current and Upcoming Events

Special Events

Special Communications of the Grand Lodge of State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Manchester Lodge #12, Ladies at the Table 2 May 2009 Donation $20.00


Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge of State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Central District Lodge Meetings


Harmony #9, 5 May 2009


Manchester Lodge #12, 8 May 2009


Ionic Lodge # 28 Regular and Stated Communication  May 9th 2009(Click Here )


Thomas Smith Webb #43, May 2009 To Be Announced


DDGM Visitations, Central District:

Finished for 2008,2009

GM Visitations :

Redwood Lodge #35, 20 April 2009   Mother Lodge

Officers Forums:

Finished for 2008,2009

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