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SMK Maxwell aims to equip the students with the skills to succeed in the fast-changing environment, so that they will find themselves resourceful, innovative and creative. Under the dynamic leadership, our school has experienced a rapid development in various types of co-curricular activities. It is compulsory for every student to take part in the co-curricular activities. Therefore, students can develop their interest through these clubs and societies. The co-curricular activities are divided into:
a) Uniformed Bodies
b) Clubs and Societies
c) Sports and Games
d) Others

 Uniformed Bodies:
 Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (Red Crescent Society)
 Persatuan Pengakap (Scouts)
 Kadet Bomba dan Penyelamat (Rescue Squad)
 Kadet Polis (Police Cadet)
 Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS)

 Clubs and Societies:
 Persatuan Bahasa, Kesusteraan & Kebudayaan Melayu (Malay Language Society)
 Persatuan Bahasa Cina (Chinese Language Society) 
 Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris (English Language Society) 
 Persatuan Bahasa Tamil (Tamil Language Society) 
 Persatuan Ekonomi (Economics Society)
 Persatuan Geografi (Geography Society) 
 Persatuan Kemahiran Hidup (Living Skills Society) 
 Persatuan Kemanusiaan dan Kemasyarakatan (Humanities Society) 
 Persatuan Keusahawanan dan Kepenggunaan (Consumers Society) 
 Persatuan Pelajar-Pelajar Islam (Islamic Students Society)
 Persatuan Perdagangan (Commerce Society)
 Persatuan Sains dan Matematik (Science and Mathematics Society) 
 Persatuan Sejarah (History Society)
 Persatuan Seni Lukis dan Kreatif (Arts Society)
 Kelab Alat Pandang Dengar (APD) 
 Kelab Buddha (Buddhist Club) 
 Kelab Fotografi (Photography Club) 
 Kelab Interact (Interact Club) 
 Kelab Internet (Internet Club) 
 Kelab Kebajikan (Welfare Club) 
 Kelab Pencinta Alam (Nature Lover Club) 
 Kelab Sikh (Sikh Club) 
 Kelab Teater (Theatre Club) 
 Christian Fellowship 

 Sports and Games:
 Rumah Sulaiman/Kuning (Sulaiman/Yellow House)
 Rumah Swettenham/Hijau (Swettenham/Green House)
 Rumah Thamboosamy/Merah (Thamboosamy/Red House)
 Rumah Yap Ah Loy/Biru (Yap Ah Loy/Blue House)
 Badminton  Olahraga (Athletics)
 Bola Keranjang (Basketball)  Ping Pong (Table Tennis)
 Bola Sepak (Football)  Renang (Swimming)
 Bola Tampar (Volleyball)  Sepak Takraw
 Boling (Bowling)  Silat (Malay Art of Fighting)
 Catur (Chess)  Skuasy (Squash)
 Hoki (Hockey)  Taekwando
 Karate  Tenis (Tennis)
 Kriket (Cricket)

 Koperasi SMK Maxwell Berhad (Co-op of SMK Maxwell)
 Lembaga Pengawas (Prefectorial Board)
 Lembaga Pusat Sumber (School's Librarians)
 Lembaga Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks (SPBT)
 Majlis Tingkatan Enam (Sixth Form Council)
 Sidang Redaksi Majalah Sekolah (School Magazine Editorial Board)
 Unit Bimbingan Sekolah (UBS)

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