The Changing Earth, its Changing People |
The Millenium. Earth Change. Prophesy Fulfillment. A New Cycle. A Cleansing. A Renewal. New Heaven and New Earth. An Opportunity to stand at a dividing line between the past and the future while attempting to understand the difference. In retrospect, it is possible the last century was destined to fulfill prophecy rather than heed its' warnings. In the blaze of the last one thousand years it is difficult to comprehend the collective wisdom that has walked this earth and equally difficult to understand what has been done with it. Achievement for the sake of expansion and profit has tarnished the brilliance of many of the great ones that have gone before us. With few exceptions, we fool ourselves if we feel we have fulfilled potential, responded to spiritual purpose or attained achievement outside of the socio/economic mandate. Our identity has become solely wrapped up in the function we serve in the market place. In the end, the subject of earth change, the time of renewal and cleansing may reflect that part of our own consciousness that requires renewal and cleansing. The part of us that searches, while tripping over our many illusions. That part of us that is a’rumbling just like the earth. The nagging voice that reminds us that this was no free ride and at the same time grapples with the meaning of cohabitation. Western Civilization prizes its freedoms and liberties. Yet with freedom comes the yoke of accountability. We have been delirious with taking and now it is up to us to begin the process of giving back in return. How do we give back? Something each of us must decide for ourselves. Earthchange is an opportunity to start over and be reawakened to the shortsightedness of yesterday and the possibilities of tomorrow.We have so far, desecrated all that is collectively owned, damaged all that was useful and ruthlessly mauled all that we held sacred. Over the last few decades media marketing and images have created a settled society of economic security, comfort and surety. It became the American Dream. We have individually and collectively, to lesser degree or greater, bought into these images and have become them. We became consumers living on a credit line. We became the dream and the dream became an empty styrene coffee cup . But that was then and now is now. It is time for the nagging voice to collectively build a new future. A sustainable future. A High Tech Future devoted to the new passive energy systems and renewable energy sources. |
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