The Active Brothers for this Coming Fall Semester
Name: Mike Matis S97
AKA: Mr. Magoo
Age: 20
Major: Environmental Studies (Treehugger)
That's right, that ugly bastard to the left is Yours Truly.
I've been here at good ol' UMM for about 3 years now.
Probably be here for another 30 or so.
Name: Dennis Crispo
A.K.A. Disco
Age: 104
Major: N/A
For all you skeptical Alumni out there, this isn't a joke.
Shorty Pimp is coming back to school to teach us rookies
some old school lessons. |
Name: Josh Urbanski Spring 97'
AKA: Urspankski
Major: English (He's really not gay.)
Yep. There's Josh. He's an English major. And I mean
He's not gay. Oh yeah, and he's a Beagle Scout. |