Our Awards

We have two different awards

Proclaiming the Gospel Website Award

Church Website Award


Proclaiming the Gospel Website Award

Grand canyon Glacier
Sky1 Sky2

Who is it for ?
Websites which proclaim the Christian Gospel
Special conditions:
The award is for Christian Websites. 
There is a different award for Christian Family Home pages
General Conditions:
It is essential that a Christian website applying for the "Proclaiming the Gospel Website award" has an explanation/presentation of the Christian Gospel such that a person visiting the website knows how one becomes a Christian. Such an explanation/presentation is likely to cover the same ground as in this Billy Graham presentation

Applicants must comply with the "Guidelines for Applicants" and agree with the "Statement of Faith" (The statement of faith, is the Statement of Faith of  "The Navigators", your denomination or church may have a very similarly worded doctrinal statement) - the objective of this requirement is to ensure that the award is only awarded to Evangelical Christian Websites

The website should be in the English language, if your website is in a language other than English, it may be considered although English transcripts will be required. 
Successful applicants should link back to the the Good News of Jesus Christ website
How to apply:
Step 1
Read "Guidelines for Applicants" and the "Statement of Faith"
Click here
Step 2
Check that your website meets the requirements of the Guidelines and the Statement of Faith. Check that your website includes the following information:-

Your name

An e-mail address enabling a visitor to your website to contact you
A successful Christian website as well as including the above information is likely to include
some of the following:- 
Christian articles
Bible study 
Bible passage
personal testimony
evangelistic Gospel message (essential)
christian poetry
children's page
use of christian graphics and multimedia
evangelistic christian links
Step 3
Apply by e-mail including the following information:
Name of site
Web address or URL of site
Short description of site
Your name
Contact e-mail address


Step 4
We will visit your site and then contact you to let you know if you have been successful

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Church Website Award

Who is it for ?
Christian Churches which have a Church website
Special conditions:
The Churches must have a physical geographic location and have a public advertised worship service at least once every seven days (This means that true cyber-churches and house fellowships are not eligible for this award)
General Conditions:
It is essential that a Church website applying for the "Church Website award" has an explanation/presentation of the Christian Gospel such that a person visiting the website knows how one becomes a Christian. Such an explanation/presentation is likely to cover the same ground as in this Billy Graham presentation

Applicants must comply with the "Guidelines for Applicants" and agree with the "Statement of Faith" (The statement of faith, is the Statement of Faith of  "The Navigators", your denomination or church may have a very similarly worded doctrinal statement) - the objective of this requirement is to ensure that the award is only awarded to Evangelical Christian Churches

The website should be in the English language, if your church has a website in a language other than English, it may be considered although English transcripts will be required.
Successful applicants should link back to the the Good News of Jesus Christ website
How to apply:
Step 1
Read "Guidelines for Applicants" and the "Statement of Faith"
Click here
Step 2
Check that your website meets the requirements of the Guidelines and the Statement of Faith
Check that your website includes the following information:-
The name of your Pastor, Minister or leader
The geographic address of the church building
Times of Church worship services
Travel directions or map showing directions to the church building
An e-mail address enabling a visitor to the website to contact a church official
A successful church website as well as including the above information is likely to include
some of the following:-
Pastor's or Minister's letter
Bible study
Bible passage
personal testimony
evangelistic gospel message (essential)
christian poetry
children's page
use of christian graphics and multimedia
evangelistic christian links
church mission activities
church social activities
Step 3
Apply by e-mail including the following information:
Name of site
Web address or URL of site
Short description of site
Name of person applying and their position within the church
Contact e-mail address


Step 4
We will visit your site and then contact you to let you know if you have been successful

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