St.Gregory the Great Catholic School
Eighth Grade
Class of 2000

Parents' Page

We hope you will visit our parent page often. News about current happenings in the Class of 2000 can be found on this page.  You will find information about correspondance we have sent home for your review and signature.  We will also be looking for volunteers for 8th grade special events like the Carnival, March for Life, and the Busch Gardens Physics Fair trip.  Partnership is Positive Power!  We look forward to being partners with you this school year in your child's final academic year at St. Gregory the Great School. Feel free to offer us suggestions about the type of information you would like to see on this page.

Click on the star.

Home Correspondance
Class Of 2000 News
For Your Information


Volunteers Needed

Currently we are not in need of volunteers until we get closer to the end of our school year. At that time we will be looking mostly for volunteers to help with graduation and our trip to Busch Gardens.

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Home Correspondance

Every Thursday the communication folder will come home. In addition, from time to time, you will receive tests to be signed and notices about volunteer opportunities.  Please ask your child about these items, read and sign promptly.  If you haven't seen the following items, take a look in the bookbag and ask your child about the whereabouts of these items.

  • Current Correspondance:
  • March for Life permission slips
  • Math tests (Pre-Algebra and Algebra)

  • Expect notices if your child misses two or more homework assignments.

    Partnership is Positive Power!

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    Class of 2000 News

    The big news for the third quarter is The Twentieth Century: A Time to Remember project. By now, we hope all parents and guardians have reviewed the research portfolio guidelines sent home. It is a major research project that will be a valuable experience for the students as they head to high school in a few months.

    March for Life is coming up on March 24th and report cards will be issued on January 25th for the 8th graders.

    Keep up the good communication with your child by asking often about the year they are researching and perhaps you can add an antecdote or two to their research from your personal experiences.

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    For Your Information

    Working with Middle School Students

    "What happens to an individual during early adolescence really matters. The behavior patterns established tend to be sustained into adulthood. Early adolescence is a time when individuals become hopeful about their futures and act positively to make a difference, or become hopeless and act negatively in response to their anger and depression. They learn how to cultivate relationships and see the power of positive role models, or they end up crushing relationships and become influenced by negative role models. They learn that school is meaningful and, thus, a worthwhile endeavor, or they push away from it as unconnected and unimportant to their lives. It is therefore critical that caring adults, especially teachers [and parents], make strong connections to young adolescents."

    quoted from Working with Middle School Students by Laura P. Stowell, Francisco A. Rios, Janet E. McDaniel, and Patricia A. Christopher. (1996, Teacher Created Materials, Inc.)

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    Mrs. Woods
    Mrs. Lamphere
    Mr. Danker
    Sister Linda
    8th Grade Web Links Page Back to Home Page!
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    Created by Lynn Woods
    Last updated: January 16, 2000