Sama Veda

Knowledge of Devotion and God Realisation

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Names of God in the Vedas

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1. Virat
It is formed from root rajrimeaning to illuminate with the prefix vi and the suffix kwip added to it.
Virat, thus signifies God because HE illuminates this multiform universe of animates and inanimates.
2. Agni
It is formed from the root anchu which signifies gati and worship. Gati means to know , to move or go , to realize.
Agni , therefore, connotes God because HE is all knowledge , Omniscient , fit subject to be known , sought after , realized and worshipped.
3. Vishwa
It is formed from the root vish meaning to reside.
It denotes God because all the world and worldly elements dwell in HIM and he resides in all of them.
4. Hiranyagarbha
Hiranya means light and garbha means the source.
Hence Hiranyagarbha indicates God since HE is the source and support of all light and luminous bodies like the sun.
5. Vayu
It is from root Vaa meaning to move , to kill.
Hence Vayu indicates God who supports and moves the Universe and causes its dissolution.And HE is mightier than the mightiest
6. Taijas
It is derived from the root teja to light , shine.
Taijas refers to God because He is self resplendent and illumines sun and other such luminous bodies.
7. Ishwar
It is formed from the root Isha meaning powerful , supreme, affluent.
Ishwar denotes God who has divine powers of omnipotence and omniscience and owns infinite affluence of all creation.
8. Aditya
It is derived from root do meaning to break , decay .With a prefixed it means not to break or disintegrate , not to decay.
Aditya refers to God who is never broken or disintegrated into pieces , never perishes or decays.
9. Prajna
It is derived from prefix pra meaning perfect or complete and Jna meaning to know.
Prajnya alludes to God whose knowledge of all that is in universe is perfect and complete. HE is omniscient.
10. Mitra
It is derived from Nimida meaning to love.
God is called Mitra because HE is Love , loves all unconditionally and is worthy of every ones's unconditional love.
11. Varuna           UP
It is derived from the root vri meaning good or from the root vara meaning to desire or seek.
Varuna refers to God because he is the best, noblest and the holiest. HE is choice of and is sought by the righteous, noble , pious , the learned , and is wooed by seekers of truth and salvation.
12. Aryama
It is derived from root re meaning to move , obtain and maan meaning respect and honour.
God is referred to as Aryama because the good and just respect and honour HIM and HE regulates the appropriate fruits to souls for their good or evil deeds.
13. Indra
It is derived from Idi meaning supreme power , plenitude.
Indra refers to God since he is all powerful and has supreme affluence.
14. Vrihaspati
It is derived from the roots pa meaning to protect , be master and the brihat meaning great. God is referred to as Vrihaspati since HE governs the entire universe and is the greatest among the great.
15. Vishnu
It is derived from the root Vishlre which means to pervade.
God is called Vishnu since HE pervades the entire universe of animate and inanimate.
16. Urukrama
It is derived from the roots uru meaning great and krama meaning energy, prowess.
God is referred to as Urukrama since HE possesses infinite energy and prowess.
17. Brahma
It is derived from the root brih or brihi meaning to lord over or bridhow meaning to develop , multiply . Brahma refers to God because HE is the greatest, has infinite power and lords over all. He creates the world and multiplies it.
18. Surya
God is called Surya since he is self luminous and illumines the entire universe consisting of all animate and inanimate and is like their life.
19. Aatma
It is derived from the root at meaning to continuously go and to pervade Atma refers to God because he pervades the soul as well as the material universe.
20. Paramatma
It is the compond of param meaning great and aatma
God is called Paramatma because he is holier than individual soul, subtler than soul and matter.
21. Parameshwar           UP
It is the compound of param meaning great and Ishwar meaning the powerful and supreme.
It refers to God as one who is Almighty and supreme among the powerful ones.
22. Savita
It is derived from shun meaning to create, deliver from womb.
Savita alludes to God because he is the creator of the universe of the animate and the inanimate.
23. Deva
It is derived from the root div meaning to operate , desire to win , practise, illuminate , praise, please, punish ,sleep ,desire ,pervade and to know. God is called Deva because HE operates by His own powers without assistance , desires and helps the noble and righteous to win, provides all means of performance and accomplishment, knows everything and is just , is self luminous and enlightens all,is worthy of praise, is blissful and showers bliss on others , is in perpetual bliss and gladdens others. He rests souls in the primeval elementary matter prakriti during the state of dissolution. His wish is noble and He is one whom the holy and good desire and seek and who pervades all and knows all.
24. Kuvera
It is derived from the root kuvi meaning to cover or spread.
God is referred to as Kuver since HE covers or spreads over all.
25. Prithivi
It is derived from the root prithu meaning to spread.
Prithivi refers to God who has spread this extensive and vast universe.
26. Jala
It is derived from the root jala meaning to beat.
God is Jala since HE beats or punishes the wicked and beats or compounds the atoms into shape or beats them asunder in the Creation or Dissolution of the universe.
27. Akash
It is derived from kashre meaning to illuminate or enlighten.
God is one who illuminates or enlightens the whole world.
28. Vasu
It is derived from the root vas meaning to dwell
God is Vasu as HE dwells or abides in all things and is abode of all elements.
29. Rudra
It is derived from the root rudir meaning to shed tears.
God is Rudra as he makes the evil and unjust shed tears under the force of His divine justice.
30. Naarayana
It is derived from the root nara meaning water or soul and ayana meaning dwelling.
Narayana refers to God as He is the abode of souls and pervades them.
31. Chandra           UP
It is derived from the root chadi meaning to please.
Chandra refers to God since HE is Bliss embodied and gives pleasure and happiness to others.
32. Mangala
It is derived from the root magi" God is Mangal because HE is good and causes good to souls.
33. Budha
It is derived from the root budha meaning to know. God is referred to as Budha since HE Knows and endows souls with knowledge.
34. Shukra
It is derived from the root eeshuchir meaning to purify.
Shukra refers to God as HE is absolutely pure and His association purifies soul.
35. Shanaishchara
It is derived from the roots shanaishmeaning with ease and char meaning to go or eat.
Shanaishchar refers to God since with ease He reaches or gains access to all.
36. Rahu
It is derived from the root rah meaning to forsake, abandon.
Rahu alludes to God as HE forsakes the evil and wicked and frees beings from the wicked.
37. Ketu
It is derived from the root kit meaning to reside and to cure.
He is the abode of the universe and is free from disease or death. He frees emancipated souls from disease during period of salvation.
38. Yajna
It is derived from the root yaj meaning to worship, shine, associate , combine and donate.
Yajna refers to God as He synthesises all objects in this world, and who is worshipped by the learned.
39. Hota
It is derived from the root hu meaning to give or take.
Hota refers to God since he is One who gives to souls what is worth giving and takes from them what is worth taking.
40. Bandhu
This is derived from the root bandh meaning to bind.
God is referred to as Bandhu since HE is One who keeps the universe bound by laws and maintains the order so that they remin within their orbits and do not violate the laws of their constitution. And HE like a brother supports , protects and gives happiness to all.


41. Pita
It is derived from the root paa meaning to protect , bring up.
God is called Pita ( father ) since HE protects and rears all. Just as a father through paternal love and kindness always desires good of his children, so does God desire happiness for all.

42. Mata
God is referred to as Mata, the mother, as HE wishes all souls happiness and prosperity just as a kind mother wishes these for her children.

43. Aacharya
It is derived from the root char meaning to move , to eat.
Aacharya refers to God as He provides all true knowledge and righteousness of conduct.

44. Guru
It is derived from the root gree meaning word to utter a sound , to speak to proclaim .
God is Guru since HE speaks and teaches the words of righteousness ( as of Vedas).
45. Aja
It is derived from the root aja meaning to go , to drive , to lead and jani meaning to manifest, evolve , to cause or create.
God is called Aja since HE is never born and evolves this world by causing creation of the elements from atoms, and unites bodies with souls to cause their births into this world.
46. Satya
It is derived from the root sat meaning being , existing, existent, true, virtuous.
Satya refers to God as HE among all existing ones is truly and essentially virtuous and righteous.
47. Jnana
God is referered to as Jnana since He is one who knows all animate and inanimate.
48. Ananta
God is referred to as Ananta because HE has no end , limits , boundaries or dimensions. He is beyond all measures.
49. Anadi
God is called Anadi since HE has no beginning, nor a first cause.
50. Ananda
It is derived from the root tunadi meaning affluent , prosperous , blissful with aan prefixed.
Ananda alludes to God since HE is all blissful, affluent in bliss. The emancipated souls attain bliss in HIM. He bestows happiness on the good and the righteous.

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