Sama Veda

Knowledge of Devotion and God Realisation

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        Karmic Law

Karmic Law is fundamental, with small variations, to most religions. The good and righteous actions yield pleasant and happy fruits or awards and the wicked and evil ones are dispensed with painful and unhappy fruits or results here in this world or hereafter.

 Fruits of Actions
Karma has triple effects . One is its fruit . Good yielding happy fruits and evil ripening into unpleasant , unhappy and painful consequences . If the Karmic law would break even at this , still the cycle would end with one time enjoying or suffering the fruits of one's actions.

 Imprints of Actions
The second effect is what binds us. A very subtle form of this action is formed and recorded into chitta , the seat of conciousness. This subtle imprint of karmic disposition , in Vedic terms, is called the 'sanskar'. This sanskar gets embedded into chitta duly stamped by "Ahankar'( closest equivalent is ego) . These sanskars stirred by the power of memory and play of ego, Ahankar determine our future propensities, our attachments and aversions. These sanskars impel us to act likewise in future. They determine our mental ,emotional and physical responses to stimuli and initial urgings. They cause and determine the occurrence , the nature and character of our future actions. The effect becomes the cause of what was the original cause. Thus a cycle of cause-effect-cause is set up and a bondage is established. We get chained to the cycle of actions and their fruits of joy , happiness , pain , suffering, disease , death .

The third effect is on the instruments or vehicle of action , namely the body , mind and intellect. The negative aspects of the emotions like anger, hatred , frustration , aversion associated with actions are stored in kidney , liver , stomach , pancreas and knee etc.. These create diseases in the body and become a drag on the energy inputs. These physical impacts of the nature of our actions also manifest fruits of actions as pain and pleasure.

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Created  as on November 19, 1999