The Spiritual Peak Page

Is God real? Does He care about you and me? It seems like there is so much trouble in the world today. What can be done to solve our problems and give people hope? If God is real, does that mean there are other spiritual forces at work in the world also? How does one find God?

Read about or visit the pages of some teens who, like you, have sought for answers to these questions.
David... Heidi ... John ... Nicole ... Kari ... and Jessica (coming soon), and more to come

And here is a page with many good testimonies and experiences.

Or visit a page with links to a bunch of Christian sites.

Another great site asks and answers the question, "Who is Jesus?"

Yes, God is real. And He does care about you and me. He is at work in the world today in the lives of teens, children, and even old folks. Visit here again to watch our expanding list of exciting things God is doing!!!

Alert!!! Do you know someone who may be considering suicide? Help can be found here.

Links to Christian Clubs for Teens

True Love Waits Club - a great club for those who seek sexual purity!!! Sword of the Lord - a very active club, some strong opinions at times
Not really freaks, but it's a fun name - hey this really is a fine club, check it out Christian Teen Club - pretty active, newsletter, and daily emails available
Love in Christ - an active club with wonderful, fun, caring members! Children of God-
CFFCC - a really fun group of nice people, lots of activity recently Helping Hands for Christ -
Teen Club for Christians - nice people, kind of lacking in activity recently Teen Christians 777 - An active group of committed Christian Teens

And here is a link for those who are looking for Christian Pen Pals.

For Christian teens who are looking for discussion of some of life's tough questions, check out the Tough Questions forum at the YFC site.

What does the Bible say about love?

Want to read some good stories centered around the Christian faith and life? Read about the Butterfly, (and more coming soon) here.

Or you may enjoy the poem "Peace, be Still" on the Poetry Woods page.

Here is a list of sites with Christian messages and links that are teen created sites:


Return to Teen Mountain home page

This page last modified on 08/22/99