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THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR INTEREST. This is an on-line sociological survey available in English, French and Romanian. There are only 7 questions that can be completed in around 5 to 10 minutes (even less). Please select the language that you want to apply:

ENGLISH - short presentation or go directly to ON LINE QUESTIONNAIRE

FRANCAISE - courte presentation ou directement RECHERCHE ON LINE

ROMANA - scurta prezentare sau direct la CHESTIONARUL ON LINE

Short presentation

My name is Bogdan Nadolu and I am a Romanian sociologist. In present I follow a Ph.D. programme on the topic of the sociology of virtual space. For this I started a sociological research about the computer mediated social interactions (contacts, links, relations among two or many persons on the Internet space / e-mail and chat). The following questionnaire is focused on this topic. As a new scientific field, the sociology of virtual space can be developed only with practical researches and investigations.

Thus, please answer to the follow questions. I assure you the complete anonymity and confidentiality. With the hope that you will accept to complete this questionnaire, I want to thank you very much.


Bogdan Nadolu

sociological questionnaire - in ENGLISH

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Courte presentation

Je m'appelle Bogdan Nadolu et je suis un sociologue roumain. En present, je fais un stage de doctorat dans le domaine de la sociologie de l'espace virtuel. Pour cela, je veux realiser une recherche en ce qui concerne les interactions virtuelles mediees par le computer (tout contact, liaison, relations entre deux ou plus personnes developpees a l'interieur de l'Internet). Le questionnaire suivant est dedie a ce theme. Ce nouveau domain scientifique ne pait se developper sans etudes et sans recherces appliquatifs.

Pour cela, je vous prie completez les questionnes suivantes. Je vous assure l'anonymmate et la confidentialite de votre reponses. Dans l'espoir que vous accepterez completer ce questionnaire, je vous remercie beaucoup.


Bogdan Nadolu

quesionnaire sociologique - en FRANCAISE

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Prezentare generala

Ma numesc Bogdan Nadolu si sunt un sociolog timisorean. In prezent realizez un stagiu de doctorat in domeniul sociologiei spatiului virtual. In cadrul acestuia am initiat o cercetare sociologica despre interactiunile sociale mediate de computer (contacte, legaturi, relatii desfasurate intre doua sau mai multe persoane in cadrul Internetului / chat si e-mail). Chestionarul urmator este dedicat acestui subiect. Fiind un domeniu stiintific nou, sociologia spatiului virtual nu se poate dezvolta fara studii si cercetari concrete.

Pentru aceasta, va rog sa completati urmatoarele intrebari. Va asigur anonimatul si confidentialitatea deplina a raspunsurilor. In speranta ca veti accepta sa completati acest chestionar, va multumesc anticipat.

Toate cele bune, Bogdan Nadolu

chestionar sociologic - in ROMANA

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