Welcome to all of you that have found this site. My name is Thomas and my internet pseudonmym is Vastergotland_1 alt Västergötland. I come from Sweden. That is a country in the part of northern europe that is known as Scandinavia. I am a Seventh Day Adventist. That means that I am a child of the Allmighty God, our Creator of all that exists and a Christian. I belive that the Bible is the word of God and that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God and the saviour of this world and everyone who lives in it. Pleas do not reject Him.. The name Seventh Day Adventist also has a meaning. Seventh Day means that we have the biblical seventh day (Sabbath, Saturday) as the special day dedicated to God. It's a day of worship to God, in church, at home, or somewhere else. Adventist means that we are awaiting the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. May we be ready for this day. He will gather all of us that are saved through Him to live on the earth recreated, life without sin. You dont have to be an adventist to belong to this group, only to belive in God and know the road that leads to the kingdom of God, Jesus the Son of God, the Christ. I pray that YOU are in this group.
Now, check out the rest of my homepage or go to one of the linked pages.
May you be blessed by our mighty God. Have a great day :)