This Is the Menahot page!
Part of the New Easy-to-Read Talmud!!
A new way to read the DAF -
Menahot paragraphed, punctuated, clearly printed dialogues
with Rashi's commentary embedded in the text!!
You don't have to figure out the structure -
just read and think about the content!
Don't waste time looking for the Rashi -
Rashi's right on the spot!
- the Gemara reads like a book!
Masechet Menahot - with Rashi embedded in the text of the Gemara
- is readable and downloadable from this site.
Tam v'Nishlam,
Hadran Alach Massechet Menahot - veHadrach Alan
Menahot Daf 110
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If you find this format of the DAF helpful -
or have other remarks, corrections or suggestions -
Please e-mail me at yeshol@zahav.net.il
The copyrights of this material belong to Julius Hollander
27 Bialik St., Petah Tikva, Israel 49351
Permission to distribute this material, with this notice is granted - with request to notify of use
at yeshol@zahav.net.il.